Chapter 70

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All three of them sat on the chairs, Matteo facing both Nate and Spade on the other side, he could see the tension and the glances both men were stealing at each other, he wondered what went down when he was not here.

"You said something about people saying something about what happened at the party"? Spade asked making Matteo to look at him before nodding his head.

"Yes, after I dropped Stefano off at his place, I called a few friends and I was able to gather some info about the shooting" he rushed out.

"Wait, time out" Nate muttered, catching both their attention as both men's eyes rested on his, he looked at Spade first before his eyes landed on Matteo
"What was the party for in the first place"? He asked, Matteo just stared at him blankly, as if he was talking in a foreign language

"You were there and you didn't know what the party was for"? He asked making Nate to let out a deep breath, his gaze resting on Spade for a few seconds before he shook his head.

"No, uhm... My uh.. my father asked me to go in his stead, he was the one invited not me" he explained, trying not to stutter

Matteo just looked at Spade, running his hand on his chin, as if scratching it.
He was contemplating if it was a good idea to tell Nate what the party was for, if the kid didn't know, maybe it would be a good idea to leave it that way, the less he knew the better for him.
His eyes moved to Nate, watching how the kid looked at him expecting an answer to his question, before Matteo's eyes moved back to Spade and he just just gave a discreet nod to Matteo, letting him know it was okay to tell Nate the truth.

Matteo sighed out before his eyes shifted to Nate once again "the party was an anniversary for Liam" he muttered, Nate just scrunched his brows in confusion, not knowing who Matteo was talking about

"The man that was shot dead in the head" Spade muttered lowly to Nate, and he quickly looked at him, before his eyes found Matteo again

"He was supposed to be celebrating his 12 years of being the Don of the American Mafia" Matteo muttered not missing the way Nate's eyes widened in shock and horror

"Wait, he was in the mafia"? Nate asked and Spade just whispered out to him

"Yes" Nate felt his whole body itch with unease, he'd never been to such a party before, even though he'd met a few people that were in the mafia, Spade included, he'd never openly attended a party hosted by one before, why would his father send him there?
Wait, if the host was a Don of a mafia...
He turned to look at Spade "does that mean everyone there.." he trailed off and Spade just nodded his head

"Yes, everyone you saw there tonight were either in the mafia or connected to it someway" Spade muttered, making Nate to take in a deep breath

"All except you" Matteo muttered making him look at the blonde, he swallowed before turning to face Spade

"How do you know I'm not involved with mafia business"? He asked and Spade finally turned to look at him, his grey eyes bored and blank as he stared at Nate

"Trust me if you were, I'd know" he nutters making Nate scoff

"Oh yeah? Because you've been watching me for a long time"? He almost gritted out and Spade just blinked very slowly

"Not the time" he muttered with a bored tone, Matteo just sat watching them both, they didn't seem like strangers that just met each other a few weeks ago, no watching them now sitting across from each other, they looked and sounded like a fighting couple with marriage issues, he almost snickered at his own thoughts, if Spade knew he was thinking like this, he'd kill him.

"Because you have him watching me, spying on me"? He asked and Spade just sighed out, he really hated this argument he was having with Nate, it was pointless, the kid was making a big deal out of nothing.
Scoffing out lightly, he pushed the chair back, making a tiny scrapping sound as he got up from the chair.
"Screw this, I'm going home" he muttered before walking away from the counter and Spade out of the kitchen.

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