Chapter 92

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Maybe the voice was right
Maybe that was all he was good for, being a puppet, a chew toy that could be discarded off anytime.
He was beginning to think there was a connection between himself and Spade but he was wrong.

The man was only around for as long as he proved useful, but the question was what exactly was he useful for, he hadn't even done anything for Spade, if it were to be considered, Spade was the one that had done something for him.

It was making his head ache the more he thought about it.
He'd seen Spade's car parked outside yesterday and today but when he asked Matteo, the blonde had told him Spade had gone out to settle some business.

He'd asked the blonde if Spade was avoiding him but Matteo assured him that Spade was just very busy with a lot of things, things Matteo couldn't tell him, Spade was in a better position to explain it to him.

He didn't even know why he was bothering himself about whether Spade was infact avoiding him or not, it's not like they had a thing going on, as far as he knew Spade didn't even see it that way or any way.

He was probably overthinking the whole thing, Spade made it clear that they were just friends, that didn't make it okay for Nate to feel entitled to Spade's time and attention.
He was beginning to sound whiny like an attention seeking bitch.

He shook his head and focused back on the piece of paper in front of him, remembering just then that he had found something he wanted to show Bernie earlier on, but the man wasn't even around.

Speaking of Bernie, he'd only spent only 24 hours with him but he realized he wasn't as bad as he thought, not that he thought Bernie was bad, but the guy was in the mafia.
Nate believed anyone involved in the mafia weren't exactly the kind of people you'd consider as being good, not even Matteo, but getting close to them, he realized they were much better than what he'd imagined.

Bernie for example, was quite soft and gentle with him, he didn't act the way he appeared, he looked scary but he acted way different than that, the way he explained things to Nate and patiently listened to him whenever Nate was explaining something to him, it made him question his judgement of the underworld.

But he'd also seen the bad part, like the event where Spade had shot someone in cold blood while Matteo watched, the party that killed Liam and the thing that happened to him years ago, and a few countless others.

He decided to stop thinking about all that and go look for Matteo, that is if the blonde had come already.
He got up slowly, picking up the piece of paper and walking out of the office.

The makeshift office wasn't too far off from Spade's office, it was on the same corridor, but Nate's was the last on the left, while Spade's was the third on the same left, leaving just two other doors in between both offices.

He looked down the corridor and it was empty, there was nothing to indicate that anyone was here, there wasn't a single soul and he didn't hear a single sound.

He let out a deep breath before walking down the corridor, headed for the dancefloor club area downstairs, maybe he'd find someone there that'll tell him where either Bernie or Matteo was, or maybe he'd even see Spade.

He sighed out, before taking slowly steps through the corridor, he walked past Spade's office, but something pulled him back, he stopped and took two steps backwards, stopping in front of the door.
He didn't know if it was unlocked or Matteo was actually saying that truth and he had gone out.

He grounded his teeth together and chewed on his bottom lip, feeling the softness.
He sucked on his lips before letting go off it with a pop sound
Something was tugging at him and telling him that he should go in, but what if Spade was not in, but then again another thought crossed his mind, what if Spade was inside and he was right, Spade was avoiding him.

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