Chapter 90

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His face was calm but inside he was boiling, hyperventilating and losing his mind, he wasn't reacting in the way someone would expect and that alone was a bad sign.
Matteo knew well enough that under that cool and calm face he had on, he was a ball of angry mess inside and like a ticking time bomb, he would explode just any minute from now.

"What's his name"? Spade asked, very cold and dangerous

"Who"? Matteo was the one to speak up, because even Bernie couldn't talk at a time like this, Matteo was the only one that was used to Spade being like this, and it didn't freak him out.

"Liam's Uncle" he gritted out, feeling his sanity leave him as each second drew him closer to exploding, his day didn't pan out the way he'd expected

"Frederick" Matteo muttered, Spade just hummed not saying anything as he scratched his beards for the millionth time standing there

"Boss" Bernie spoke gingerly, looking wearily at Spade as he was thinking of how to word what he was about to say, he didn't want to upset the man and end up like the one in the paper bag.

Spade's sharp gaze cut through to Bernie as his eyes held no single emotions, they were bloodshot and scary, Bernie recoiled a bit but he stood tall.
He continued with what he wanted saying.
"This isn't just a broken alliance, it's a warning"

Spade let out an almost animalistic growl, vibrating through the walls of the office
"Of course it's a bloody warning" he growled out "¿Cómo se atreve?" (How dare he?) He almost roared, he could feel his hands trembling on his side as he felt the anger bubble inside of him.
He started pacing the room, doing a little breathing exercise as he tried to calm everything inside him down, contain the raging beast inside of him.
"He wants to cut off the alliance" Spade asked no one in particular "I'll show him how to really cut off an alliance" he muttered before turning to look at Bernie
"Gather the others for a meeting, I'm gonna rain fire on Frederick" he muttered lowly, he was not going to take it, killing Liam was bad but killing one of his own was crossing the line.
He really didn't care if they killed Liam or who killed Liam, all he wanted to know was why and if he was a target, but now that they'd touched one of his, he would find out everything about what went down that night at the party, and why only people he had dealings with were targeted, but before that he would show this Frederick that he was nothing like other people he'd dealt with.

Matteo quickly stepped closer to him, using his hand to stop Bernie from walking away
"Spade what do you want to do"? He asked looking at Spade, it would he invincible to someone else, almost unnoticeable but he saw the crazed look in the man's eyes, making him fear for what was about to happen if he doesn't step in
"Are you trying to start an open out war? Spade you don't even know this man or what he's capable of, you don't know if he has someone backing him up and inciting him to do all these things, you can't just declare war on someone without having not a single clue, what they want and who they work for"

"He started a war when he killed one of my men" Spade growled out, Matteo just sighed out, shutting his eyes for a milli second before opening it back "and I don't have to know him before I put a fucking bullet in his head, he should have known before messing with me"

Matteo sighed out again, he took another step standing very close to Spade, he stood maybe at least an inch and half shorter than Spade, but he was just as muscular, if not even more than him, he placed his hand on Spade's shoulder
"Look Spade I get that you're mad, hell I'm pissed too, Laroit was my friend as well and I want justice for him, but I can't let you start a war we know nothing about, what if this is what he wants? A lot of people are gonna get killed, especially if he has someone backing him up"

Spade grounded his teeth together, but he was already thinking about what Matteo was telling him, he clenched his jaw and shut his eyes for a second, and then opened them again, his eyes matching with ocean blue eyes, that instantly calmed him down, if there was anything about Matteo that he like and cherished, were the color of his eyes, they reminded him so much of his mother, she had a way of always getting him to feel at ease, and he sometimes felt like that around Matteo.
"Whatever this Frederick is doing, something tells me it's not just because he wanted Liam's power or your attention, it has something to do with the shooting, and our mystery man, it's not just a coincidence"

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