Chapter 43

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It's been almost an hour since his father called to inform him about Spade's new policy, and since then he hasn't even done a single work.
He's been lost in thoughts, his mind running around in circles as he tried to come to a conclusion at the kind of person Spade was.

Maybe he went too far with his outburst last night, but he could'nt just pretend that everything was okay, simply because Spade took him to the casino and has been strangely nice to him the past few days.
The same Spade had threatened to kill him on more than one occasion, and he'd been dreaming about the same Spade, and not in a nice way.
There were so many red flags on Spade that he could see, so yesterday was just something that was bound to happen.

But now he had doomed his sister to suffer, because even if Spade didn't have any intention of hurting her before, he would now, after all the things he said to him yesterday.

But one thing kept tugging at his mind, why didn't he say anything last night, he'd expected Spade to snap and maybe shoot him or threaten him again but he just sat there in the car and listened to him say all those things.
Maybe because he already had a plan of what to do and he was already doing it.
Punishing his sister in his stead.

He let out a deep breath and looked at his wristwatch, it was almost time for him to go for that meeting he asked his secretary to set up for after lunch break.
He packed up the papers on his desk and picked up his phone, before getting up

Just as he was about to walk away from his table, his door sprung open and his sister rushed in, sweating, shaking and crying.
She looked discombobulated, disorganized and very scared, her eyes were red and puffy as she flung herself into his arms.

He caught her and tried to look at her face but she wouldn't let him, she buried her face into his chest and her whole body shook with tremors as she cried, she hiccuped and he could hear her sobs, they weren't light, they sounded more like wailing.

He could feel his heart heavy and his palms getting sweaty, this whole scenario was something he never wished to see, his sister in pain, and he knew the reason she was like this

About two weeks ago, she entered his office like this, crying and confused, he promised he'd find a solution to the problem but it seemed like he only made it worse, he felt the guilt settle deep withing him.
He clenched his jaw and grounded his teeth together.

He gently pulled her away from him as he examined her face, her nose was red and there were tears on both her cheeks, her nose was running while she sniffled and tried to hold in her choking sobs.

He didn't need to ask her what happened, because he'd already heard it from his father, but what he didn't know was the fact that that wasn't the only reason she was here and crying.

He wished he could reassure her that everything would be fine, but even he knew that nothing about this was okay, it felt so wrong and out of place, even for him.
She was hicupping, he pulled her face up with his index finger, raising her chin to look at him, her green eyes were huge and looked frightful, something had scared her, but that was not what caught his eye

He sucked in a sharp breath when he saw it, red, large finger prints around her neck, bruised and definitely looked fresh.
His eyes darkened and he felt his hands getting tight around her as the anger settled and bubbled inside him at the same time, he clenched his jaw tight.

"Who did this to you"? He asked, looking at her and expecting and answer but that only made her tears to stream out more as she couldn't even form her words, she just choked on tears and tried to look down but he held her chin firm and looked into her eyes.
"Su, look at me, who did this to you"? He gritted out feeling his calm resolve disappear, he didn't care if this was his father's doing, today he would give him a piece of his mind, they had an agreement and if this was his father's doing then he'd cross a line.

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