Chapter 9

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Nate was confused as hell, he didn't even know what to do or where to look, he had driven his car along the streets of their estate, in hopes that he'd see his sister on the sidewalk but he didn't.

It had been almost two hours now since she left and no one had seen her, his father had long since left the house.
Only God knows what he's going to do if Su doesn't return.

But why would she leave just like that, without telling anyone, not even him.
He ran his hands through his hair and let out a deep breath as he paced the living room of his father's house

"You have to calm down Nate, she'll come back" Laura tried to ease his nerves but it wasn't working, what if she didn't come back?
What if she's had enough of their father's ill treatment?
"Perhaps she went for an evening walk"

He shook his head "I've been on the streets three times looking for her, she's not even close to home" he muttered
His father is definitely going to kill him for this.
He should have just kept his mouth shut.
But he couldn't do that either, not while his sister's happiness and life was on the line

He heard the front door open and he looked up, waiting to see their enraged father walk in but he was wrong.
His sister stepped in instead, clutching the file in her hands.
He rushed towards her and pulled her into a hug, letting out a sigh of relief.

She was okay, he pulled away and examined her body for any sign of harm but found nothing.
"God I was so worried" he breathe out and she just gave him a small smile before walking past him.

She might look okay but she didn't act okay.
Something was off
"Su what's wrong"? He asked following closely behind her as she slowly walked upstairs.
"Dad's been looking for you" he added and he just hummed but didn't look back or act surprised at all.
"Did something happen"? He asked as she stopped right in front of her room and entered, he followed her.
Watched her drop down on the bed, running her hands through her face.
"Where were you"? He asked again

She looked up at him and memories from her conversation with Spade invaded her mind, how was she going to tell him that he needed to apologise to Spade, that too just to get him to sign the contract.

"I went out" she breathe out and he just shook his head, that was not what he expected her to say
"I went to see Spade" she added and his eyes bulged out in shock

If he heard right, his sister just said she went to see Spade.
The same Spade that made fear cloud his other senses, that send cold shivers down his spine, why would his sister go see Spade.

"Why"? He whispered walking closer to the bed and sitting beside her
"Please don't tell me you signed the contract"? He asked in a panic and she shook her head

"Not yet"

"What do you mean not yet"? He asked and she just looked at him before sighing out again

"About what happened in dad's study, I followed him so he would still sign the contract..." Nate cut her off quickly

"Why would you do that"? He asked

"Because I don't want Dad to kill you, he was already blaming you for Spade losing interest in the contract, so I made a deal with Spade, he would sign the contract and also give me enough time to prepare myself for the marriage" she paused looking at him
"But on the condition that you apologise to him" she whispered the last part making her brother almost choke on his spit.

Nate couldn't believe what he was hearing.
Apologise to Spade
"For what"? He asked and his sister just sighed out

"For accusing him wrongly" she mutttered looking at her fingers on her thighs.

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