Chapter 73

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He was back at his office in the club, there was no resting for him, no weekend, but his mind kept swaying every now and then to one person, but now he was no longer fighting it, he was just letting it happen, basking in it, letting it runs through his whole body, accepting it for what it was.

He was thinking about going out with Nate, he already knew what he wanted to say to him, what he would talk about, but he knew that when he gets there, he'd lose his nerve.
There was just something about Nate that made him always nervous, he wouldn't call it nervous but he was always at a lost for words when it involved Nate, and it started when he started getting attracted to him.

He sighed out and pulled a cigarette stick from the pack lying lazily on his table, he put it between his lips and lit it.
Dragging the smoke in, this was a stress reliever for him, and it also made him think of Nate less
Sometimes he felt like he was getting attached to him hard and very fast.

A few months ago he wasn't like this, he felt like it wasn't normal.
How can someone he just met a while ago take up so much space in his mind like this, occupying his every thought, driving him crazy.
Nate was like an addiction he was trying to stop but the more he tried, the stronger it got.

He'd never admitted to liking someone before, not once in his life.
But without hesitation he admitted to liking Nate to Matteo.
Truth be told, it scared him at how fast things were happening, giving him less time to process the whole thing.

He pulled the cigarette out of his mouth, letting out a huge cloud of smoke from his mouth as he watched it disappear in thin air.
There was nothing he could do now about this craziness, it was already too late for him.
Gay or not, he knew he was attracted to Nate.

His office door pulled open and Matteo strode in.
He stopped in front of his table
"You good"? He asked and Spade just nodded, Even though he wasn't good.
He was slowly losing his mind to Nate.
"They're ready for you" he muttered and Spade just nodded before squashing the butt of the cigarette on the table, leaving a black circular mark there, he got up sharply, without his suit jacket, he started walking towards the door while Matteo followed behind him.

"Liam's underboss called" he muttered matching Spade's strides as he followed closely behind him.
They both got out of the office and headed towards the huge hall at the far back of the club that he sometimes used for meetings, he had one in every building he owned, in case of emergency.

"When's the funeral"? Spade asked

"In a week's time" he muttered and Spade just clenched his jaw, remembering what happened the previous night
"You're going right"? Matteo asked and Spade just clicked his teeth together before shaking his head

"I'm not going, you are" he muttered making Matteo to look at him
"We don't know if I was one of the targets yesterday, with the whole drama going on with mystery man, I won't risk going to places like that, especially knowing a lot of people would be there, friends and associates of Liam, most of who are men in the underworld" he muttered
"Until we know who set up the shooting and why, I don't think it's a good idea to be in public places like that" he explained and Matteo just nodded.
He wanted to ask Spade about his conversation with Nate earlier today but they were already at the door of the meeting room, Spade pushed the door open and they both walked in.

Immedaitely Spade entered the room, every chatter died down as all eyes turned to him
The chairs surrounding the long table were filled with his men, some from the initial he had in New York and a few new faces from Italy.

He walked with dominance and a powerful aura, his eyes sharp and his face stoic and bored, his eyes moved from each man as he scrutinized them with his gaze.
His shoulders squared as he approached the head of of the table, standing in front of them all, they all bowed their heads down and he pulled out the chair, sitting on it, as usual Matteo sat on his right side, Bernie was on his left, if Dom hadn't betrayed him he would have been the one after Bernie.

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