Chapter 55

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"You know you can come sit down, I'm not going to bite you" Matteo muttered, trying to lighten up the mood, he could see the fear and doubt in Nate's eyes.
At first when he saw him, he almost didn't recognize the kid, with all the bruises on his face.

Who would do something like this to him? the kid didn't seem like a trouble maker so he doubted it was from a fight.
This looked more like a beating than a fight.
He could see now why Spade looked so down casted yesterday after returning from Nate's place.

Nate could feel the nerves in his body kick in as he felt the sweat already forming on his forehead and his palm, he didn't mean to be so withdrawn but with everything going on with him, it was all just so overwhelming.

Taking slow steps, he walked towards the chair where Matteo was seated, his steps having a limp gait to it, he was still feeling pain on his side, but he was trying not to show it

He stopped in front of the couch and gently perched himself at the edge, this was his house but he felt more on edge than Matteo that was the visitor.
He could feel Matteo's eyes on him, making him uncomfortable and extra conscious of his bruises, but he couldn't hide them.

After sitting down close to Matteo, he could still see the way Nate's shoulders were tense, he wasn't relaxed, if he wanted the kid to talk, he had to be relaxed, even if not completely, at least a little bit.

"I didn't expect your place to look like this" he muttered looking around the living room, making Nate to do the same, wondering what Matteo meant by his place looking like this.
"It's way more cooler than I imagined" he muttered, Nate swallowed understanding him.
He was trying to make small talks.

Nate just stared at him, making the room go completely silent again, the only sounds both of them could hear, were the sounds of their breathing.
This was becoming harder than Matteo thought.

His eyes moved to Nate and the kid was fiddling with his fingers, looking at him so closely, in such a vulnerable state, he could see now how innocent the kid looked.
With all the bruises on his face, Matteo sort of felt sorry for him, but he felt more sorry for whoever did this to him, because if Spade ever found them, they'd be in a much worse state than Nate.

"Are you okay"? He finally asked, making Nate's sharp gaze to rest on him, he watched his brown eyes move in doubt and uncertainty, like he was lost.
He nodded slowly.

"Yeah" he whispered before his eyes went back down to his fingers on his thighs.
Matteo didn't know if he should move closer to the kid, would he be okay with that much close proximity, he didn't wanna make him more uncomfortable than he already was.

"Nate" he called out, testing his name on his lips, it felt strange, he'd never called him by his name before, even when he spoke about him to Spade, Nate turned in a flash and looked at him, his eyes lighting up from the dark brown to a lighter shade
"I know you don't know me, and you probably don't trust me, which is solely my fault, but I just wanna talk to you, and don't get me wrong this isn't some request from Spade or anyone, it's me trying to be there for you" he whispered, his eyes calm and his voice sooting, he knew his words probably didn't make any sense to Nate but it was the best he could come up with.
"I was the one that found you yesterday" he muttered, making Nate to look at him sharply
"When I found you, I called Spade immediately, because I didn't know what to do" he whispered before moving closer to Nate on the couch, making sure to leave a small space between them "seeing you like that, I kind of got confused" he whispered making Nate's eyes to widened at the sudden confession from the man beside him, he nodded assuring him that he was being truthful "yes Nate, I got confused, I didn't know what to do, for the first time in a long time, I got confused" he whispered, his eyes shinning with sincerity.

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