Bonus Chapter 2

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"I want everything to be perfect" Nate muttered out and his sister just looked at him worriedly as she finally laughed

"And it will be Nate, just relax" she said putting her hand on his shoulder "we have the rooftop booked and I checked earlier today, the place has been decorated just like you asked, and the cake is ready, even Spade's outfit has been sent, it's in the bedroom" she explained to him and he just sighed out and placed his hand on his waist

He needed everything to go as planned, he wanted the night to be a memorable night for Spade, after everything they'd been through, Spade deserved this, he even made sure it was at the restaurant they had their first date as friends.

He had been stressing about this for weeks and now the day was finally here, he even avoided Spade just so he wouldn't make a mistake and slip up, he knew Spade was worried that they'd been drifting apart, but if only the man knew what Nate had planned for him.

He even got them both matching tuxedos, everything had been pre-planned, he couldn't give any room for mistakes, hence why he had asked Matteo to stall Spade for the whole day and keep him occupied until when it was time for Spade to come get dressed and meet them at the restaurant.

Of course he didn't tell Spade that he had planned a surprise birthday party for him, he just told him that he wanted them to go on a date, since they hadn't gone on one after that night they met Salvatore on their first date as a couple.

He could still remember it like it was yesterday, the date was kind of ruined and he wanted to make up for it, hence the surprise party, and now he was fucking nervous, what if Spade doesn't like it? what if the caterer made a mistake with the cake? or what if something happens to Spade? he quickly shook his head

Positive thoughts Nate, he thought to himself, he couldn't be having such thoughts now, not when they were only hours away from the biggest thing he'd ever had to do for anyone in his life.

After everything that happened to him, he didn't think he would come out alive, but he did and it was all thanks to Spade.
He had successfully taken over his father's business, and he opened a fashion store for his sister, it had always been her dream.

He was building a sibling relationship with Matteo and his relationship with Spade only grew stronger with time.

About six months ago, if someone had told him that his life would turn out this perfect, he would have actually stoned them away, because then he had the most shittiest life one could imagine.

He was constantly being abused by his father, his sister had ran away leaving him at the mercy of Spade, and he had no one on his side, but one night was all it took for it all to change, and it changed for good.

He was finally free, free from his tormentor, free from the trauma he had gone through, and free from his own self loath.

"Come on, go get dressed, Bernie and I would pick you up on our way, Matteo just texted me, he said Spade would soon be on his way, we don't want him to still meet you here" Su's voice broke him out as he snapped and nodded

"Yeah you're right" he muttered before he rushed inside the bedroom and went into the bathroom to take a quick shower and shave everything that needed shaving, he smiled at his own crude thoughts


Since the last four months that Spade had being with Nate, there had never been a time when he was doubtful about Nate's feelings for him, but right now, he didn't really know what to think.

Nate had been distant towards him for the past few weeks and as much as he tried to play it cool, it had been bothering him, although they still spent time together, it wasn't like before, he felt as though Nate had drifted away from him and he didn't know why

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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