Chapter 138

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Spade stopped in front of a park just a few blocks away from the restaurant they just had dinner, the city was still busy and people were walking up and down the streets, even the park wasn't completely empty, there were a few ice cream and hotdog stands in the park.

He pulled Nate with him until they stopped in front of one of the stands, it wasn't an ice cream stand but it was a fireworks stand, he saw a lot of people shooting some, so he just grabbed a few and gave the seller a few dollar bills.

"What are you doing"? Nate asked and he just looked at him before he pulled his hand from Nate's

"I'm going to light it" he muttered, watching the way Nate's brows furrowed together "and so are you" he finished smiling warmly at the young man.
He set it up and handed one of the flares to Nate, he could see the way Nate looked at it as if it was something strange, something he'd never seen before
"Follow my lead" he muttered before he lit the first one, he pulled Nate a few feet away from the fireworks and they both watched as it lit up into the sky before it exploded and scattered different flares, he felt Nate grab onto his hand tightly as the thing kept bringing out different colors of fire

It stopped and he looked at Nate, the young man was smiling, his eyes showed excitement
"Your turn" Spade whispered and he led Nate to the second one, he saw the way he hesitated, and he used his hands to completely cover Nate's hands, as he helped him light the second one

He quickly pulled Nate away from it, and he watched Nate who was watching the thing go up into the sky.
There was a huge smile on Nate's face, a smile that was heartwarming, heart melting and so beautiful it actually made Spade's heart to beat.

Instead of keeping his eyes on the light in the sky, his eyes were glued to an excited and cheerful Nate, who watched the fireworks with so much interest and fascination as if he was seeing it for the first time.
He laughed and looked at Spade briefly
"It's so beautiful, I love it" he said excitedly and Spade couldn't even form words for Nate, he just hummed.

His heart grew warm and his stomach did a flip.
He made Nate smile, made him laugh
That contended look in Nate's eyes were his doing, he did that

He felt fucking proud of himself that for once in his life, he wasn't causing pain to anyone, he was actually making someone happy, and not just anyone but Nate.

He felt as if he couldn't breathe but he was breathing just fine and his beating heart was proof of that.
Watching the way Nate smiled, the way his eyes shone bright under the night sky, the way his cheeks moved up, and the way Spade's heart was beating fast, his palms grew moist and everything suddenly became hot for him, too hot.

He realized it then and there.
He had fucking fallen in love with Nate.
Fucking crap, he was in love with Nate

That was what he was feeling that day, that thing that was on the tip of his tongue that he couldn't say, that one itchy feeling that was swelling in his chest whenever he was with Nate
It was love

Realizing it now felt scarier than he'd expected.
For the first time in his life, he was in love with someone.
And it felt fucking good, scary but thrilling

He didn't even realize Nate had looked at him and was now flinging himself into Spade's arms, wrapping his own hands around Spade's body.

He laughed as he buried his face in Spade's neck, Spade hugged him back, afraid that he would hear the beating of his heart, he swallowed hard and tried to push the thought out of his head.

He couldn't let Nate know something was up, if Nate even had the slightest idea of what he was feeling right now, he would freak out, and probably run away from him.

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