Chapter 29

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Nate managed to get out of the crowd as he reached the door and turned the knob slowly, he was met with a long hallway, no one in sight, the hallway was dimly lit.

He swallowed and took the first step, he walked slowly and gently towards the far end of the hallway, he flinched when the door shut behind him.
He quickly looked back, but there was no one there, he sighed out and continued walking towards the wall at the end of the hallway.

There was a right turn and he looked to see another long hallway, different from the first one, it had doors on both sides, Indicating there were rooms here.
He looked back again thinking if this was a right choice, following Spade to God knows where, but he needed to, he might not get a chance to see him again, given the way he'd been avoiding him since he gave the marriage ultimatum.

He walked further down the hall, his eyes moving between both sides at the doors, how would he even know where Spade had gone?
He should have been faster earlier on.

After passing two doors, he was about passing the last one when he heard voices coming from inside, the voice was low, husky and chilling
He could literally feel goosebumps on his body as he listened closely to the person speaking.

He knew that voice all too well.
He swallowed and leaned away from the door, his eyes settling on the knob, should he just go in, or wait till he was done with whatever he was doing?
How long would that take?

He stalked slowly and dangerously towards the table behind the man tied on the chair, he picked up the gun examining it, leaving the man in tension, he was sweating profusely as he couldn't tell what Spade was doing behind him.

"See Dom, I'm not a patient man and certainly don't have all night to play 20 questions with you" he muttered before turning around and walking to the front, facing the man.
His eyes moved to gun in Spade's hand and he swallowed making a loud gulp.

Spade turned the safety off from the gun, resting his fingers on the trigger, he pulled the gun up and faced the barrel of the pistol on the man's forehead.

By now the sweat was no longer just droplets, but more like streaming down his face, he shook his head violently choking on sobs as he couldn't speak

"I'm gonna ask you again Dom, who are you working for"? He muttered, the tears from his eyes were now streaming down, but Spade still had a hard, emotionless look on.

"I.... I can't" he whispered, his pleading eyes moving from Spade to Matteo, hoping the blonde would solicit on his behalf, but just like Spade, Matteo had a stoic look on, his hands placed behind his bag in a crisscross.

Spade knew Dom wouldn't give up the name of whoever he was working for, and even if he did, Spade would still kill him for betraying him.

Nate could heard the sobs coming out of the room he stood in front of.
A part of him was telling him to get the hell out of there but the curious and obviously stupid part was egging him on to open the door and see what was going on, on the other side of the door.

After a long self argument, his curious side won and he placed his almost shaky hands on the knob and twisted, before slowly pushing it open

The minute the door open, a loud bang resounded in the room, making Nate jump in fear, his whole body going into a frenzy as he started shaking.

He gasped out at the sight in front of him.
A man tied to a chair, with a huge gash on his forehead, his head carelessly hanging backwards with blood streaming out of the wound, he wasn't breathing.

This scene looked all too familiar to him, on the right side of the dead man, Spade stood there with the gun in his hand, and on the left side was a blonde oddly familiar man.

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