Chapter 28

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Matteo rushed through the crowd, muttering a few excuses and cuss words, hearing the grumble and words of disapproval from everyone he hit by mistake, he didn't wanna lose the person he was following.

He had seen him from the entrance, he wasn't supposed to be here, now he was gonna answer what he was doing here.
He saw him walk through the door at the other end of the hall, Matteo increased his speed, he didn't wanna lose him

Finally getting to the door he pushed it open and entered into the long hallway, wide enough to house two people, the person had just took a left turn at the far end of the hall, Matteo took long strides towards him, as he got to the turn he looked ahead and saw him going into a room, he quickened his pace and rushed towards the same room.

Looking back to be sure he wasn't walking into a trap, there was no one following him, he opened the door and walked into the room, the person's broad back was to him as the only light in the room was that of his phone and the moon light peeking through the open windows.

Matteo's eyes raked through the room, it looked like an office of some sort, a huge table close to the window, with a chair in front of it.

The person stopped typing the moment Matteo walked into the room, his shoulders squared and tensed.
He slowly turned around and came face to face with Matteo.

His eyes widened and sucked in a violent breath as he quickly put his phone away, beads of sweats breaking out on his forehead.
Matteo just narrowed his eyes on him, watching him for his next move.

"What are you doing here Dom"? He asked his voice sounding hard and emotionless, different from the goofy, funny voice he always used with Spade

"Uh.... I....." The huge man stuttered seeing the far away look in Matteo's eyes, he didn't expect to see him here tonight and Matteo was here then Spade was here too

He looked behind Matteo, his eyes on the door as he tried to come up with something to do quickly, he couldn't stall, not without knowing if Spade was following Matteo

Matteo already knew, he already knew that Dom was the reason they came here tonight, he was the mole, the spy.
The one who stole information from Spade and gave it to the enemy

He could reach out for his gun right now and end him but they needed answers, why did he do this?
And who was he working for?

Dom was already calculating his moves, thinking of how to handle this situation and come out of it alive.
He reached for his gun but Matteo had already seen him, he rushed forward and tackled him to the ground, straddling him

Even with how big Dom was, Matteo still held him to the ground, both men grunted as Dom struggled to get out of Matteo's hold, with his hands frantically trying to pry Matteo's hold on his shirt, he grabbed the smaller man and turned their position, leaving him with the upper hand, he landed the first punch on Matteo, making his head hit the rug.

He groaned, he could feel the way his head suddenly became heavy and his ears had that familiar ringing, he could taste the metallic taste on his tongue.

Dom's hands wrapped around his throat as he squeezed, choking the life out of the blonde man beneath him.
Matteo struggled, moving his hands frantically, desperately looking for something to break him free.

He tried to push Dom's hands away from his neck but his grip was strong, with his strength slowly evading him, he reached for his face and the man leaned away but Matteo's hands were already on his face as he clawed and scratched at Dom's face.

Both of them panting hard, as Dom hissed, Matteo's fingers found Dom's eyes and he dip his thumb into Dom's eyes making the man groan out in pain but his grip on Matteo's neck was not loosening.

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