Chapter 23

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Spade watched as he walked out of the house without even sparing him a glance, not even for a second.
Yes Nate was afraid, but this wasn't just fear, there was something else.

And somehow he wasn't comfortable with it, the way Nate ignored him, he didn't like it.
It riled him up, left him irritated, it made him feel small in a way.

He clenched his jaw and looked back at Su, his eyes going down to the brown envelope in her hands.
He badly wanted to know what that envelope contained, why Nate was meeting with Van Horne that night.

"Daddy must be proud" he muttered looking at her, her eyes met his and she sighed out looking away "you know, having two kids that would do just about anything for him, one running his little errand for him and the other willingly selling herself away to pay his debt" he taunted making Su's eyes cut to his, her gaze sharp and angry.
Her lips trembled slightly, as his eyes moved from her lips to her eyes, pure rage.
She clenched her jaw and shut her eyes.

"What are you doing here"? She spat at him, he didn't seem to be affected by her outburst, not even slightly.
Not as much as Nate ignoring him riled him up and affected him.
He looked at her with a bored expression, his eyes moving to the envelope and back up at her face.

"The deal is off" he muttered looking at her as she scrunched her brows up in confusion "our little deal, it's off, I gave you enough time to process it, apparently daddy's scheming something behind my back and I don't trust him and your little brother that just left, infact I don't trust any of you, so the marriage will hold, two weeks from now" he muttered word for word, watching her face morph into one of horror and shock

"You can't do that, we had a deal" she whispered

"I can and I will, I don't make deals with people I don't trust" he muttered his eyes boring into her soul, he could feel her resolve drop, her whole strong facade slowly fading away and being replaced by fear and sadness, but that hardly moved him.
It didn't even make a dent in his dead heart.
"I have a feeling your daddy wants to double cross me, and I'm never wrong about my instincts, I don't care how you're gonna do it but we're getting married two weeks from now" he finished, she shakes her head violently, words unable to describe how she was feeling right not.

This was too soon.
This wasn't what she wanted, she needed more time

His eyes moved to the envelope, he knew Greg was up to something, probably something to stab him in the back with, but he wasn't gonna sit and wait around for it to happen.
He had to act fast.

Whatever Nate collected from Van Horne, it was pretty important.
Van Horne hardly ever does business with anyone just like that, he has to be gaining something from it, and last he checked, Greg was too broke to be able to offer anything to Van Horne.

Another reason Van Horne would agree to do business with someone is if he owed them a favour.

So apparently, it's either Greg has something other than money to offer Van Horne, or He owes him a favor.
Either way, it didn't smell good to him, so he was left with two options, waiting around for Matteo to report something back, hopefully good news, or act fast before whatever Greg was planning, happened.

He chose the second option.
That seemed like a sensible decision, given the way he was seeing things now.

He gave her one last look, seeing as she was finding it difficult to breathe, he turned around and walked out of the house, not once looking back at her again.

He got into his car and drove out of the house.

Su was distorted, this wasn't what she planned.
She needed more time.
He agreed to give her three months, but now he was taking it back and bringing it to next two weeks.

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