Chapter 163

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I stepped into the cell, already feeling a slight throb in my head, can anything get easy for me?
I was already on edge about the man that molested Nate being in my club, but now this.

I looked at Matteo and he had his hands wrapped around Nate's sister who's face was buried in his chest, he looked like he was comforting her but she didn't seem to be crying.

Matteo's eyes met mine and it looked blank, there was no emotions in them, he just clenched his jaw and his eyes shifted away from me, making me follow his line of vision, my eyes landed on Greg, who had his head twisted in an odd angle, his throat slashed open, blood dripping out

His clothes were soaked with crimson red and his eyes were open wide as they stared up at the ceiling lifelessly.

I didn't feel bad for him, I was just fucking frustrated and angry, this would be the second time a person in my custody would be killed and I didn't know who was audacious enough to do this.

I looked away from the body and back at Matteo "is she okay"? I asked and that's when she pulled away from Matteo's chest and looked up at me, her eyes were red but she wasn't crying, there were no tears in them

She sniffed and nodded her head "I'm fine" she said with a heavy sigh and I just narrowed my eyes at her, trying to see if she was lying, it wasn't exactly easy to witness something like this, a parent dying, even though I know Greg wasn't really father material, he was still their father and the only parent they had left.

"Who did this"? I asked shifting my attention to Matteo who now had his hands shoved into his pocket, he clenched his jaw and shook his head.

"We don't know, after we separated we came straight here and we found him like this, with the cell doors open" Matteo muttered out, making me look at Greg again, feeling my whole composure slip through my fingers.

I was boiling with rage, whoever this person was, they were really trying my patience.
How did they even know Greg was here? And killing him, shows he knew where Nate was being kept, and now I was at another dead end, another day of not finding Nate, another day of him being in the clutches of this person

They wouldn't leave this place alive or in one piece, I already had Bernie lock it down, now I just need to find out who they are and where they're hiding in my club

"Take her to my office" I tell Matteo before I turn around to walk out of the cell

"Where are you going"? Matteo ask and I stop

"I'm going to check the security room, the cameras must have something for me, and for the sake of this person, they should pray that I don't find them" I grit out and Su took the first step

"I'm gonna come with you" I just shake my head, I don't want her around me when I'm this pissed off, I can't predict what I'll do like this, the last time I was this riled up and angry around her, it didn't really end well, and I still haven't apologized to Nate for it
"Let me come with you please, I know what he looks, you don't" she rushed out

"Spade, she's right" Matteo puts in, making me clench my jaw as I sighed out, without saying anything I just walk out of the cell, I know they're both following me, but I'm not really paying attention to that as I pass through the corridors and headed towards the security room.

I can't even explain how I'm feeling now, I'm angry, I'm pissed off, I'm frustrated, I'm sad and I'm regretful.

God I'm losing my mind, I can't even tell right from wrong at this point.
My mind is clouded, my emotions are all over the place, and that's very unlike me, but that's how I've been for the past few weeks, ever since I walked away from Nate.

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