Chapter 130

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Spade had spent the night at Nate's place, the young man didn't want to let him go back home, after their talk at the warehouse, where they agreed that Matteo would go with Spade.

And as usual Stefano's annoying ass had wanted to go with them, even though Spade had refused, the man didn't want that, he insisted that wherever Matteo went, he would go because the blonde was obviously his muscle, whatever that meant.

And Spade and Nate were both at Spade's place, thank God it wasn't a work day, so Nate wanted to spend every second of his day with Spade, up until the minute he'd leave to go see mystery man.

They'd been lounging on Spade's couch all day, barely even left.
"Are you sure you won't change your mind and just stay"? Nate asked as he twirled a strand of Spade's hair in his hand, the man just shifted before he got up and hovered over Nate on the couch.

He was already set in between his legs, so he used his hands to support his weight.
He looked into Nate's eyes "you know I can't do that, I have to meet with him" he muttered.

Nate sighed out, he didn't want Spade to go, his gut feeling kept telling him something bad was gonna happen there today but he didn't know what, he just hoped it wasn't something serious, like Spade getting shot, he quickly shook his head, Spade saw this and frowned
"What's going on in that pretty head of yours"? Spade asked, letting a small smile rest on his face, Nate just shook his head

"Nothing, I just don't want you to get hurt" Nate whispered out

Spade leaned in and kissed Nate's lips briefly, he pulled back and looked at Nate, stroking his cheek "I won't get hurt, Matteo's going with me, and Stefano" he grunted the last part out.

Hearing that Matteo was going with Spade kind of relaxed the young man a bit, at least he trusted Matteo to look after Spade.
He sighed out and nodded

"Okay" he muttered before he pulled himself up and gently placed his lips on Spade, kissing him gently and tenderly, as if Spade would disappear if he kissed him any intensely.

He pulled away but Spade was not satisfied as he leaned forward and crashed his lips on Nate's, kissing him fervently and hastily, his hands started roaming Nate's body, pushing up his shirt and touching every part of his body

Nate's hand had completely gone around Spade's neck as he pulled him closer, their bodies touching and skin folding into each other.
Before they could both say Jack, their clothes were on the ground, Nate's hands were on Spade's back as he touched and felt every muscle in Spade's toned body.

Spade's hand had rested on Nate's chest as he slowly placed them on his nipple, he felt Nate suck in a harsh breath, as he started twisting and playing with Nate's nipple.

Nate was squirming as he felt his cock grow hard, painfully hard, he needed some kind of friction to ease the veins and arousal he was feeling, he started slowly bucking his hips forward, trying to run his erection on Spade's crotch.

Spade had completely stopped kissing him, he shifted his attention to Nate's neck as he sucked and nibbed on the flesh there, he tasted the sweetness of Nate's skin in his mouth, he groaned out when he felt Nate's cock on his erection, he started grinding his hip on Nate's, both their erection rubbing off on each other through their pants.

He moved from Nate's neck and started leaving open mouthed kisses on Nate's neck, down to his body, stopping just close to Nate's nipple, the young man was now a panting mess, Spade's lips was hovering on Nate's nipple, he was teasing him and kissing around Nate's nipple, kissing his chest while his other hand played with Nate's other nipple.

Nate groaned out, he was getting frustrated with Spade's teasing, he opened his eyes and looked down on Spade who was already looking at him, eyes hooded with pleasure, desire and want.

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