Chapter 13

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The small boy's legs could barely carry him, he was small, frail and sickly but he was still trying to keep up with the man in front of him, who was dragging him along the street.

He was scared, terrified and very much unaware of their current environment.
His huge eyes kept darting from left to right trying to understand where they were.

It was very dark out already and this part of town looked deserted, no single soul could be seen out, except for the small boy and the man.
All that could be heard were whooshing sounds of the wind and a single paper rolling around in the tarred road in the middle of the street.

The man held the wrist of the small boy and kept dragging him along like a lost doll, until he reached a very old looking, rusty abandoned building that had nothing except for the one single street light that illuminated it.

The man looked around him, from back to front, left to right before his eyes landed on the small boy beside him, he looked at the building and pulled open the rusted door making a very loud screeching sound.

The boy's palms were already sweaty, this wasn't the first time his father would drag him out, most times they'd end up in one of his father's business partner's house, or office, but this time was certainly different.

He'd never dragged him out this late into the night, especially without his mom knowing or even his sister.

The man pulled him into the building, inside was just as bad looking as the outside, the boy scrunched up in his nose in disgust at the smell coming from the building.

It smelled like dirt and something else he couldn't quite put his finger on.
The inside was just a huge vast space, with no windows, only one door exist.

There was no one inside, just a man sitting in the middle of the huge room, and the other light in the room was illuminating the man on the chair.

The boy again felt himself being dragged further into the room, towards the man on the chair.
He didn't like this one bit but he dared not say anything, else he'd get smacked for speaking out of tongue.

The closer they got to the middle of the room, the more the smell in the building increased and the more his eyes lingered on the building.
He saw different things hanging from the top of the room, rusted iron chains, huge ones.
Huge metal hooks that were either too rusted or had dried disgusting things on them

He quickly looked away fearfully and back at the man in the middle, they had gotten really close now and he could see the man wasn't just sitting but he was tied up on the chair and his face was bloodied and part of it swollen.

His one eyes had completely closed and his nose was dripping with blood, one side of his cheek was completely covered in dried blood.

The boy almost gagged at the sight before him.
He wasn't even sure the man was conscious anymore, fear gripped him as he tugged at his father's hand making the man to stop and look at him, his glare hard and angry.

He swallowed and cowered away.
His father just kept on pulling him until they stopped directly in front of the man on the chair.
He hid slowly behind his father clutching his hands tightly as his heart beat sped more than usual, threatening to rip off his tiny rib cage.

The man looked around seemingly looking for someone, as if on cue, a voice spoke up from the shadows

"You're late" he grunted before he walked out of the shadows in front of them.
Taking calculated steps towards them, his eyes was set on the old man as he walked towards them

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