Chapter 77

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The whole pavement was packed with people filing out of the stadium, they were all engaged in one conversation or another, each one discussing about the game.

Nate had his hands shoved inside his pocket as he walked side by side with Spade, both of them caught deep in the silence, although there was talking and bustling beside them, all Nate could focus on was the man walking beside him.

"Did you enjoy the game" Spade asked his eyes moving to look at Nate, he had his head down as he nodded

"Yea, it was fun and okay" he whispered out making Spade to smile out as he turned his attention back to the many people walking on the pavement heading for their cars, while some walked to the sidewalk.

It was already getting dark out, the time was now 6:00pm
Nate looked up at Spade and he could see the slight upward tilt in his lips, he was feeling much more relaxed with him than when they just came

"How did you get front row tickets"? Nate finally asked watching as Spade's steps slowed down as he turned to face Nate.
He shrugged as if it was a normal thing to get front row tickets a few minutes before a game starts

"I guess I'm good with persuading people" he muttered his lips gently pulling up in half a smile "and maybe my good looks" he added with a smug look, he looked and acted different from when they just came, it felt like he was not the same person, like he was free

Nate's lips formed an 'o' as his cheeks heated up, forming a dark shade of red, he quickly lowered his head to hide the blush, and this made Spade to only smile more.
He still wanted to talk to Nate and he could see the young man was far more relaxed than before.
He was contemplating waiting until they arrived at his apartment or maybe he should just do the talking here, waiting that long might actually bring Nate's nerves back and everything will be awkward again.

But then again he didn't even know what he was going to say to him.
They stopped in front of his car as he clicked it open, hearing the beep sound.

He watched Nate go into the car, before he got in himself.
Shutting the door, they shut all the noise outside, making the car go completely silent.
He looked at Nate and the young man wasn't looking at him, instead he was looking at his hands on his laps as he played with them.
He cleared his throat, making Nate to look at him, he decided this was the best time to talk to Nate, if he wanted to get somewhere with him.
"I know I said I wanted to take you somewhere quiet so we could talk, but then I brought you here, I know you weren't expecting it and it's okay if you don't like...." Spade was rambling when Nate's voice stopped him

"No, no it's fine, I liked it, I had fun" Nate was quick to correct him
"I mean even though I don't know anything about rugby" he mumbled with a light chuckle, it wasn't much of anything but it made Spade's heart to leap with satisfaction "you made it interesting" he whispered, his brown orbs shinning as he spoke, drawing Spade in the more

He let out a deep breath "I said I wanted a new start with you and I meant it, I was wrong about you, I thought you were a threat and...." He paused a faraway look in his eyes before he snapped back to reality, letting his eyes rest on Nate who was looking at him with complete and uninterrupted attention "I'm never wrong about anyone but I was wrong about you, and I hope you can give me a second chance, let's start over" he whispered huskily, making Nate to swallow, that word start over was ringing so many bells in his head, he wanted to know what Spade meant by starting over

"Start over as..." He trailed

"As friends of course" Spade rushed out, chuckling nervously at the end and Nate just nodded, feeling a little disappointed.

"Sure, I can do that" he mumbled.

Spade felt himself relax as his shoulders eased themselves, he'd been holding his breath all day because of this, dreading the possibility that Nate might actually say no to him.
"I don't usually keep friends because I don't need them, you're my first"

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