Chapter 119

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Spade was the first to get out of the bathroom, Nate came out a few minutes after him, he was stopping himself so badly from sniffing himself, unlike the first time he had come here, he actually used Spade's bathroom product and now he officially smelt like Spade, everything, from his manly hair shampoo, his soap and even the new unopened bottle of cologne that Nate had used on himself

Everything about him smelt like Spade, down to the clothes he was wearing, it was an oversized black Adidas sweatshirt, and a black sweatpants, that he had to fold over two times at the waist to get it to stop going down.

He walked out of the bedroom feeling fresh and relaxed, he knew the door facing Spade's bedroom was the guest bedroom, the same one Spade had said he'd take his bath in.

He was second guessing checking to see if Spade was still in there, but he decided to go to the living room first, if he didn't find Spade there then he'd know the man was still in the bathroom.

He walked into the living room and Spade wasn't there, but his suit jacket was no longer there.
"Gio" Nate called out, not too loud but loud enough for anyone around to hear, maybe if Spade was close by.

He heard footsteps before he saw Spade at the foot of the kitchen door, he was putting on a black tank top and a very light brown sweatpants, Nate was sure he didn't have to fold his own over to get it to fit him like that, his eyes moved from Spade's pants, obviously trying his hardest not to look at Spade's crotch, as he stopped on Spade's body, his arms were out, showing enough muscle and his very beautiful tattoo.

His eyes traced every piece of the tattoo as it ran all the way towards Spade's back, he wondered if they stopped at Spade's arm behind or if they ran all the way to his back, he'd never really paid attention to it before, even though Spade had slept at his place twice now, and both times the man slept completely naked from the waist up.

He noticed the way the tank top pressed firmly on Spade's body, showing the muscles on his chest and outlining his nipple, which looked semi hard, or maybe he was just seeing things.

His eyes finally stopped on Spade's face, the man had warmth in his eyes as he looked at Nate
"Was making us something to eat, didn't see you eat at the club, and I'm sure you skipped lunch at work" he muttered, and Nate didn't say anything because Spade was right, he'd skipped lunch to go for an urgent meeting and he didn't eat at the club too.
He just lowered his eyes and bit his lip.
"Come one" Spade said nudging him over with his head, as Nate walked towards him, he disappeared into the kitchen and Nate followed.

He didn't look at the kitchen like he did the first time, but he still liked the fact that at least there was something about Spade's house that was bright.

He sat himself on the chair he'd sat in the first time he came, watching as Spade worked his way around the kitchen.
This definitely didn't feel like the first time, at least the first time he and Spade weren't together romantically, and he wasn't so aware of the small stares the man was currently giving him.
"What are you making"? He asked, after a while of just sitting in silence and playing with his fingers, he looked up the same time Spade turned to look at him.

"Pizza, pepperoni pizza" he said casually, seeing the way Nate's eyes grew in shock, and a little bit of surprise and admiration.
Spade could almost feel himself puff out with pride

"You make your own pizza"? Nate asked and Spade just shrugged as if it was a normal thing to do

"Of course, it's not that hard" he muttered and Nate just scoffed, as if he was saying it was hard and at the same time, saying Spade was just saying that because he could

"Show off" he muttered out without even realizing it, probably he didn't mean for Spade to hear but the man heard, and he turned to look at Nate again, this time turning fully, with his brows cocked to one side, and a smile on his face

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