Chapter 142

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It had been the worst few days of Nate's life as he was forced to stay away from Spade, the love of his life, but of course Spade didn't know that Nate was in love with him yet.

He thought staying away from Spade would help him, but his nightmares only increased, he had been unable to sleep since he took that space from Spade.
Everything had gone upside down,  even worse than before he started dating Spade.

He had been thinking too hard about the other man and it was slowly driving him crazy.
He knew he was losing his mind, he was always looking over his shadow now since he saw that man.

He didn't know if he was following him, or if he even already knew where he lived and was waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike him.

But telling Spade was definitely not an option, if he thought it was hard before to tell Spade when he didn't know the man was Spade's uncle, then it was even harder now, knowing the man was related to Spade.

How would he even explain it to Spade, that his uncle had abused him when he was a kid?
It sounded ridiculous and what if Spade didn't believe him
Or what if Spade went ahead to ask the man about it and he denied, saying Nate was lying?

It was all killing Nate slowly and now he was invited to one of those stupid parties he hated going to, but he had to go to.
And he took his secretary with him, who had been like a leach on him since they walked into the hall.

He hated the way she touched him and rubbed her boobs on him but he was too lost in thoughts to even be bothered about taking her hands off.
If she didn't get the memo that he wasn't interested, he would leave her to keep fooling herself.

Meanwhile, standing in the hall, he felt eyes on him, it made him alert and tense up, was it the man?
He feared as he looked around quickly, hoping he was wrong and it wasn't anyone, he was just paranoid.

He looked up and down the hall, but everyone was dressed almost the same, making him stop the search as he didn't see a familiar face in the hall

He sighed out and looked back down on the overbearing lady clinging to his arms, maybe he was just paranoid and there was no one watching him.

After a while of standing there and listening to Jade mouth off about God knows what, Nate decided to go use the bathroom, at least he could escape Jade and also have enough time to gather himself together.

He walked away to the bathroom, but the closer he got to the bathroom, he could hear grunts from inside, he sighed out and shut his eyes, God please it shouldn't be what he was thinking, because he didn't think he wanted to see two men going at it, with how disorganized his mind was at the moment

He got closer and the grunting had grown even louder, but he saw the door to the bathroom opened and when he stepped in front of it, he watched in complete and utter horror as Spade was delivering punches to a man on the ground.

The man's face was already so ruined that no one could recognize him, Spade's knuckles were equally bloodied, but he didn't stop.

Nate looked around the hall and saw the other two dead bodies, one had a huge deep gash on his neck and the second had a gunshot wound on his leg and his neck was twisted in a very unlikely manner, making Nate to grimace

His eyes rested on Spade again and he could tell the man in the ground was dead but Spade wasn't stopping, he kept hitting and cracking the man's skull and bones.

The sight made Nate to gasp out, immediately he did that, Spade turned to look at him, he looked into Spade's eyes and saw the crazed look there, he'd never seen Spade like this, it was like he was in a trance.

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