Chapter 150

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Spade sat at his office going through some things, apparently staying back two days ago had actually not turn out to be the best idea, as he had a lot of work piled up for him, as much as mafia business got very busy and hectic, even the legal part of his business always got hectic too,as there things his PA couldn't handle without him here, like all the paper he had been signing all day.

And he couldn't just sign them without going through them, he had to be sure it wasn't something that would sabotage him.
He rubbed on his temple as he groaned out lowly.

Maybe he'd skip going to the club today as he didn't think there was much for him to do at the club since he'd been there the previous day, he was even thinking of asking Nate to skip going to the club later too, so they'd stay together and maybe he could even teach him more about guns and fighting.

Thinking about Nate he smiled, the young man didn't really seem open to the idea of learning these things but Spade knew it was for the better.
As much as he knew he would always protect Nate, he knew things happened unexpectedly and at situations like that he wanted to be sure the young man could defend himself.

And plus he noticed Nate wasn't usually as bright as he always was, not that he was sad and moody, but his mood had gone down in the past two days, Spade had asked him about it, thinking he wanted another time space between them, but he had argued it and said there was nothing of that sort happening

That had somehow reduced Spade's anxiety because like he had told Nate, he couldn't spend another long time period away from the young man, he was ready to tie him down with anything if it meant Nate would stay with him.

The things he was feeling for Nate, he couldn't possibly explain it to anyone and expect them to understand, hell it took him a long time to even understand what he felt for Nate, and now that he finally understood, he couldn't for the life of him imagine a time when he wouldn't have Nate by his side.

The young man was the light to his darkness, where Spade was the devil, Nate was his angel in white shiny clothes, that was literally how he saw Nate.

Nate didn't know this but he had saved him, from a whole lot of things.
Nate was the reason he always looked forward to going back home everyday, Nate made a lot of things exciting for him.

Even the mere thought of going to bed and waking up became something that Spade looked forward to because he was doing it with the person he loved.

They had established a great relationship dynamic in the past few weeks, Spade was actually strangely very comfortable with it, that it was hard to even remember a time when he didn't have all that.

A time when there was no Nate, nobody to go back home to, nothing to be excited about, at a point even the mafia had lost the thrill it gave him.
The only reason he still ran it was the fact that it was his birth right and he has literally killed his father for it.

But Nate brightened his life, all the dark parts of his life, he brought light to the, he had so much power over Spade that sometimes it scared him.
There was absolutely nothing he wouldn't do for Nate if he asked, but the young man didn't even know.

He sighed out as he ran his hands down his face, it has been like this since he realized he was in love with Nate.
He didn't go a second without thinking of the young man.

The phone on his desk rang, jolting him out of his thoughts as he picked it up and placed it on his ear
"Mr DeVille" the voice of his PA came on the phone, he sighed out.

"What is it"? He asked softly

"The chief of police is here to see you sir" she muttered, making him frown, clenching his jaw tight, he felt as though he wasn't just thinking about someone that was making him smile.

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