Chapter 22

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Spade stepped out of the bathroom, wet and dripping with water, with a towel hanging low on his waist, barely holding on around his waist

He stopped in front of his closet mirror, the door of the walk in closet served two purposes, a door and also a humongous mirror, full length.

He looked at himself, seeing his hair dripping with water down his face and chest, he peeled off the towel from around his waist and used it to dry his hair, soaking off the excess water from it, before flinging the towel on the bed

He opened his closet and walked in, the lights automatically came on the minute he stepped in, dim yellow light.
On the right side of the closet were rows and rows of different colors of suit, blue, black, red, maroon, but mostly black as that was the color of his life.
On the same hanger space were rows of ties of different colors, from stripped to just plain.
Neatly folded on the left side of the closet were his trouser and white buttoned up shirts, one for each suit. Neatly arranged on the counter rack.

Below was the shoe rack, with different designer shoes, kicks and flip flops, he liked his comfort.

He scanned through the rows of jackets and picked a black one again, before pairing it with black pants and buttoned up white shirt, no ties.
This outing wasn't a business one, more of a casual/business meeting.

He walked further into the closet and right in front was a huge mirror, just like the one outside the closet.

He unfolded the white shirt, and put it on, before putting on the pants, tucking the shirt inside the pants, he flung the jacket over his shoulder and put one arm after the other, before looking himself in the mirror.
His hair was still a mess, on the cupboard where the mirror was standing, he opened it and there were a lot of supplies there, from hair spray, to hair moisturizer, a small comb, a hair dryer and other stuff he used for himself.

He liked to take care of himself.
He picked up the hair spray and applied some on his hair before picking up the small comb, styling his hair like he always does, he did the same to his beards.

Liking his looks, he put them back and closed the cupboard.
He walked back to the clothes section and picked out a black well polished shoe and black socks before walking out of the closet.

He sat on his bed and put the shoe on, he pulled the cupboard from his bedside table and looked through his collection of wristwatch, gold, silver, indigo.
Different designer brand.
He picked out the gold Rolex and his knuckle rings before closing the cupboard back.

He put them on and stood up.
Checking himself in the huge mirror, satisfied with his look, he picked up his keys and phone before walking over to the other side of the bed, he pulled the cupboard open again and picked up his pistol, checking it for bullets before tucking it safely inside the gun hoister in his jacket.

All his jackets had one
He never left the house without his pistol, especially when where he was going was Greg's house.

He walked out of the small house, there were no men or any form of security around this part of the compound, they were all situated at the huge mansion and the gate.

He picked his favorite car, the Red Cadillac.
He walked towards it and entered inside, before starting the engine, it roared to life and he sped out of the compound and into the roadside, his house was a bit secluded from town, with trees around it.
Mostly for security purposes.

While driving his mind drifted to Nate, the last encounter they had with each other.
Threatening him like that was never part of the plan, but seeing that he kept trying to hide why he was there in the first place only made Spade curious and suspicious of him.

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