Chapter 98

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Nate groaned out as he shifted himself on the bed, feeling the softness of the mattress against his back, he slowly turned his head, feeling the throbbing in his temple.
He rubbed his eyes, everything felt hazy and achy, well mostly his head.

He managed to peel his eyes open, thank God the room wasn't bright.
He gently got up, adjusting his eye sight to the room, his eyes landed on the covers, and his bare body.

Tiny bits and pieces from the previous night had started to surface in his mind, the more he tried to remember what happened, the more intense the ache in his head got.
He gripped the sides of his head tight, shutting his eyes and grimacing.

He remembered going out with Spade to the fancy restaurant for dinner, he even remembered some of the things that happened, like how he watched the night sky and the city from the huge glass window, he remembered drinking wine and Spade telling him to slow down, everything was just rushing in at once, interlaping with each other, making his head to hurt even more

He remembered Spade almost kissed...... He paused as his eyes grew wide, almost bulging out of their sockets, he choked on air as everything came crashing down, all the memories from last night now making sense to him.

Everything that were once hazy were now clearing up, giving him the complete view of the scenario from last night.

He had kissed Spade.
He got so drunk that he was even saying things he normally wouldn't say to anyone, let alone to Spade.
He even called the man pretty.

He cussed out lowly and face palmed himself, he groaned out at how stupid he must have looked.

His hands moved towards his lips as he let his fingers lightly brush on his lips, the memory of him kissing Spade now crystal clear to him.
He could still remember the way Spade's lips felt on his, everything was beginning to make sense now.

He groaned and plopped back down on the bed, why did he drink so much last night?
He made a complete fool of himself last night.
He shut his eyes, letting his mind take him back to last night.

He kissed Spade, it almost felt like a dream to him, but the absence of his clothes and the throbbing headache he was sporting, was proof enough that last night happened.
He had actually kissed Spade, he couldn't quite remember what happened after or even what Spade had done after, it was as if everything after the kiss was just a blur

He racked his brain even more, trying to remember what had happened after the kiss, what was Spade's reaction to the kiss, but all he could remember was falling asleep, he didn't even know when Spade took off his clothes, leaving him in just his pants.

He bit his lower lip and cussed at himself.
He was so stupid to have gotten drunk, he remembered all the drama he portrayed when Spade was driving him home, God, the man probably saw him as some stupid inexperienced kid.

He remembered even touching Spade's... Fuck.
He was never going to drink anything alcohol ever again.
But he didn't take too much, just three glasses of that strange wine that Spade had bought, but he remembered Spade warning him about slowing down if he didn't want to get drunk.

He ran his hands through his face before he pinched the bridge of his nose, he didn't even know what time it was.
He looked to the bedside table and there he saw a glass of water, he was about to reach for it when he heard the door to his room open up, Spade walked in wearing just the white round neck he had worn inside his grey jacket last night.

He could see how the edges around the arm was tight around Spade's upper arm, and the large tattoo on Spade's arm running all the way from below his elbow all the way to his upper arm, and around it.

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