Chapter 126

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Spade had just got back to the club, work was kind of hectic for him today, it was almost 6pm and he knew Nate would be here already, he wanted to just go meet him already but he decided against it, Nate was really coming along with the club's redevelopment, he didn't want to distract him, and he knew if he set his eyes on Nate now, he wouldn't keep his hands off him and Spade wouldn't want to let him go.

He smiled when he thought of Nate, now his heart was half free since he told Nate about his father's involvement with mystery man, but it remained the other thing that he still needed to tell not just Nate but Matteo too.

They both deserved to know, but the possible outcome kind of terrified him, he didn't know what they'd do or how they're take it, Matteo in particular.
The blonde might never trust him again for having kept something like this from him for this long.

He pulled out the drawer in his table about to take the pack of cigarettes but stopped, he remembered Nate telling him to stop smoking, he was really trying to stop that, but the stress he's had to go through every day won't let him stop smoking that easily.

But for Nate's sake, he didn't pull out the cigarette, he closed the drawer back and decided to do some work, maybe that will help him.
He was even thinking of bringing Nate's office to his, so he could be seeing him every second.

He sighed out thinking of the time he just met Nate, all the threats he'd thrown to the young man, and the shitty things he did to him, even then he thinks he already knew deep down that he liked Nate, but he was denying it to himself or maybe because he didn't know what it felt like to want someone, to like someone, he didn't know that was what it was.

For a long time then he despised Nate because he was always thinking about the young man, every chance Nate got, he invaded his thoughts.
But now he understood it was just his feelings messing with him.

But he couldn't imagine going back to that time, he didn't think he was still the same person, well for Nate he wasn't the same person anymore.

He heard a knock on his door and he smiled thinking it was Nate "come in"
When the door opened, he was shocked and surprised to find Matteo walking in.

He cocked his brows at the blonde, Matteo never knocks and now he had a distant look in his eyes, which made Spade to worry even more, something was definitely wrong.

"What's the problem"? He asked, his voice holding concern, concern he only showed towards Matteo and Nate
The blonde just sighed out and sat down on the chair in front of Spade's table, that's another shocking thing.

Matteo rarely ever sits there, it has always been the couch.
Spade raised his brows at this again.
Matteo's slowly dropped the letter with him on the table, pushing it to Spade.

The older of both men looked at the piece of paper wearily, wondering what was in it and who sent it, Matteo noticed this and decided to speak up.

"Sunday evening in Italy, while I was preparing to come back, someone dropped this off at the cabin, I don't know who and there's no return address" he started, this time Spade picked it up and started opening the already ripped seal on it.
"At first I didn't want to open it without showing you first because I had no idea what was in it" he paused watching as Spade opened the letter "but I got curious and did, and then I found that" he muttered out.

By now Spade was already reading the contents of the letter, his face still looked stoic and blank, no expression to tell what was going through his mind at that moment.
Matteo just watched him, after a while he dropped the letter back on the table.

His face looked the same but his eyes, his eyes showed he was deep in thoughts.
"Spade tell me that's not true" Matteo whispered out, his eyes eagerly begging, wanting Spade to tell him it was a lie, a plot by someone to get into his head, but Spade didn't say anything, he just looked at Matteo.
"Gio, please tell me that this letter is a fake ass bullshit and mom didn't write that" Matteo muttered out louder this time.

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