Chapter 69

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"Sit" Spade muttered breaking Nate out of his sight seeing, his eyes rested on Spade as his eyes trailed Spade's hand pointing to the one of the chairs in front of the counter, he swallowed and gingerly walked towards the chair, pulling it out he sat himself on it.
Spade could see he wasn't relaxed, he looked tense and unsettled.
"You want something to drink"? He asked making Nate to look at him in shock, he was too fucking nice and it was creeping the young man out.

Even Spade was beginning to worry about how soft he was with Nate, he'd never had a reason to be this gentle with anyone, not in a long time.
The last time he was this gentle with someone was Matteo, and he stopped when the blonde learned how to take care of himself

Nate shook his head, not wanting to impose on Spade, Spade nodded slowly before turning around and walking towards the burner, he turned it off as what he had on was already fully cooked.

He opened the cupboard in front of him and pulled out two plates, he wasn't really hungry but if he wanted Nate to be comfortable enough to eat, he had to eat too.
Taking a quick glance at Nate, he saw him looking around the kitchen again with the same amusement in his eyes, he let a small smile take over his face as he looked away from him and back at what he was doing.

He isn't really good with small talks, but the silence in the room was stretching for far too long
"Are you comfortable"? He asked, and Nate just looked at him, watching the way his clothes hugged his body perfectly well, he swallowed and nodded before remembering that Spade's back was to him

"Yeah" he whispered quickly shutting his eyes and cussing himself for how low and weak his voice came out, he cleared his throat "I am comfortable" he muttered much louder.
Spade just nodded not looking at him.
He didn't even know why the man was asking if he was comfortable but he had to say something regardless.

Spade pulled both plates from the kitchen island as he brought it towards the counter, dropping one in front of Nate and then another in front of the seat just beside Nate.

He picked up two glasses of water and situated them beside each food, he sat himself on the chair close to Nate as he looked at him.
He could see the question in Nate's eyes and the lost look he had on.
"Eat" he muttered and Nate just looked at him for a second, before his eyes moved to the food in front of them both, making Spade to do the same.
He could see the doubt in Nate's eyes, making him sigh out deeply

"I'm....uh..I'm fine Spade, really I'm not hungry" Nate stuttered around his words as he looked from the food to Spade's face

"I'm not gonna poison you if that's what you're afraid of, eat" he muttered, Nate just shook his head, Spade licked his lips before picking up one of the forks "here, I'll go first" he muttered before taking a fork full of spaghetti and eating it.

Nate swallowed hard, watching as Spade chewed slowly and subtly, his eyes were trained on the way Spade was licking his lips occasionally and the way his throat bobbed up each time he swallowed.

Nate let his lips to open slightly as the sight overwhelmed him with emotions, tingling, strange and unfamiliar emotions, he quickly looked away from Spade, his eyes set on the counter.

He rolled his tongue in his mouth, feeling the question come out before he could stop it
"Why are you being nice to me"? He asked making Spade to look at him

"What"? He asked and Nate looked at him, his eyes no longer looked bright like it did while he awestruck by the magnificence of Spade's house, the warmth and amusement were no longer present

"Why are you being nice to me? Why did you help me at the party"? He rushed out, making Spade drop the fork on the counter, and sighing out, he knew sooner or later Nate would ask this question, and truthfully he didn't know if he wanted to tell him the real reason why he'd saved his life, and why he being nice and gentle to him.
"Are you doing all this so that I will be indebted to you, so I can't turn down your offer to come work for you"? He asked making Spade's grey eyes to cut through to his brown ones, with Spade clenching his jaw hard and tight.

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