Chapter 76

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Spade was the first to sit down, before Nate followed suit, placing himself on the chair just beside Spade, the armrest was joined together in a way that when Nate placed his hand on the armrest, he jolted when he felt it on semi soft and semi hard, large hands.
"Sorry" he mumbled out feeling his neck and face heat up in embarrassment and the sweet feeling that came with skin contact with Spade.

Spade didn't say anything, he just brought down his hand leaving the space between them empty, he wanted Nate to have it, he could go without putting his hand there, but by the slight clench in his jaw, making his face go from soft to hard like an egg being cooked, Nate thought he'd offended him again by touching his hand.

He shifted deeper into the seat as his eyes moved from Spade and landed on the field, the players weren't there yet so the field was empty, it looked somewhat like a football pitch but there were no goal posts, and it wasn't as big as a football pitch

He placed his hands into the pocket of his hoodie
"Do you want anything before they start"? Spade's deep and husky voice reached his ears, his head whipped quickly as his eyes matched Spade's eyes, warmth swirled in them, his face was no longer hard like it was a few minutes ago, it was now much calmer and gentle.

Nate didn't miss the way Spade's voice had touched something inside him, igniting a sweet fire and sensation, he rubbed his fingers together inside his pocket, feeling the moist on them.

He swallowed wanting to nod his head before remembering the last two time he had done that and Spade had asked him to use his words, the man definitely didn't like that, maybe it irritated him or pissed him off
"No I'm good" he whispered barely opening his mouth but Spade heard him as he let his eyes linger on him a second longer before his eyes moved from Nate, finally allowing him to breath, Spade looked at the pitch and the players were already filing out with their helmets in their hands

He turned to look at Nate and he saw the way his eyes stared with awe, as he watched the players, rugby players were very muscular people, as the game required a certain amount of force to actually win it.
It was a pretty violent game.
He clenched his jaw as he wanted to shift Nate's attention to him and him alone, he didn't want him oogling at the men on the field with their squared shoulders and protruding chests, he also had a beautiful body, Nate could stare at him all day long if he wanted to.

He leaned in closer to Nate, the scent of the young man's cologne invading his nose, making him want to close his eyes and drift away into the clouds

"There are 15 players on each team" he said watching as Nate stared at him, he noticed it for a split second, Nate's eyes darted to his lips and then back to his eyes, Spade's eyes moved back to the field
"You see those eight players taking position in front, in football they're called defenders, but in rugby they're in the tight scrum" he muttered pointing to the field as Nate's eyes followed his fingers landing in the eight players he was talking about, Spade's eyes were already on him before he nodded in understanding
"The remaining seven players are the ones moving across the field, taking position in open spaces" he further explained as Nate only nodded again.

Spade had always been a fan of Rugby, he loved the game, as a kid he remembered a few times he'd watched the game on TV, and as a teenager he'd snuck out on a few occasions to some games.

He always wished his father would take him to one of their game when he was just a boy, but it never happened.
This was always where he spent his free time whenever he got any.

With his eyes on the field, Nate had his own eyes on Spade as he watched him, seeing another side of Spade he didn't think he'd see, since the beginning of this week, Spade had been surprising him time and time again, showing him new parts about him that Nate would never guess Spade had.

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