Jonathan Toews

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This wasn't requested but in spirit of them winning the cup I made it.

You smiled as you watched the television. Toews skated up the ice, shoot, and score. Even though you guys broke up, you still watched all of his games and supported him, because you loved him and nothing could change that. The past few weeks had been full of arguing and stress over hockey, you guys never got to see each other, so you broke up with him. Not a day goes by that you don't regret doing it. You just couldn't take it anymore, and wanted to focus on your career.

The game had ended and it was getting late, but you were wide awake. Y/F/N was asleep on the couch so you carefully got up and put your shoes and jacket on. You grabbed some money off the counter and your camera. Night photos of Chicago were your favorite, and being a photographer, you never went anywhere without your camera.

You walked down the streets of Chicago, you stopped and ordered a coffee at Dunkin Donuts, because America runs on Duncan (Duncan Keith). There was a slight snow fall, and the city was lit up. You snapped a photo, and heard someone chuckle behind you.

"You still carry around your camera everywhere, Y/N." A voice behind you says. You turn around and look up at Jonathan.

"Never leave my house without it." You say slowly. Your heart beat got faster, he always had this affect on you. He made you feel butterflies but made you calm at the same time. Jon stood in front of you and he has a small smile on his face. You raised your camera and took his picture. "Now that was a million dollar photo." You guys both laugh.

"Walk with me. " He asked. You grabbed his arm that he offered to you. At first you guys walked in silence, but then he spoke up. "How have you been?"

"I've been good. How about you Jon?" You ask him back. Part of you wanted to scream and say that you missed him like crazy but you don't.

"Stressed, but good, I guess. We are playing in the winter classic coming up this year. And we won tonight" He sounded so happy when he talked about the winter classic.

"I saw that. I..uh.. watch all your games. You played amazing, as always." You smile up at him.

"Y/N, you watch my games still?" He stopped walking and you turned around to face him.

"I wouldn't miss them for the world. Johnny, I meant what I say I will always love you and support you." Your breathing got shallow, and you were shaking. He took a step closer to you. His hand brushed a piece of hair out of your face. Slowly his brought his lips to your.

"And I will always love you." He whispered. "Can we try us again, because I've missed you like hell."

I got on my tip toes and kissed his cheek. "I would love to."

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