Patrick Kane

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IDK who this one was for... sorry for not updating

The morning sunlight shined into the bedroom through the cracks in the curtains. When the rays hit your face, you open my eyes. Turning onto your other side, you look at Patrick, whose sleeping beside me. Biting your lip as you look at him. Because of how late in the season the Hawks are, his blonde hair has grown out. A few of the curls hung in his face. Glancing past him and see your guys clothes on the ground. You smile remembering last night.

"Good morning beautiful." Patrick says. His eyes are still closed, but he's smiling. He wraps his around your waist and pulls you closer to him. Planting small kisses on your face, he lets his lips linger on yours for a second.

"Good morning Patrick." You giggle. He finally opens his eyes and smiles back at you. He glances down at your lips again and as he leans over to kiss you his phone buzzes. Ignoring it at first, he kissed you but his phone kept buzzing. Groaning he leans over and picks it up.

"what? I have to?.....I'll be there soon." He talked into the phone. From what he said you're guessing it was Jon and he needed Patrick at the rinks. "Sorry babe, I need to go. Meet me at the rink at noon and then we will go to lunch." He kisses you one more time before getting out of bed.

After he leaves, you have some time to do whatever you want. First thing, you got into the shower and got dressed. It was still cold outside so you decide to put on a pair of leggings with brown boots, a long sleeve red shirt and your grey vest. There was still a light layer of snow, so your grabbed a jacket and your camera.

Stopping every now and then you took some photos. A family asked you to take some photos for them, which you did happily. You stopped and grabbed a coffee at a small café. It was also the café you met Patrick at 3 years ago.

It was about 6 in the morning and you had been wide awake so you went down to the small café by your house. Nobody was really out beside people on their way to work. There was snow and Christmas lights everywhere. You took some photos from the café. As your were getting up you bumped into someone. They spilled their coffee all over your camera. You were furious but then he looked up at you and helped you up. His eyes were beautiful and oddly enough you weren't that angry anymore. He apologized and asked if he spilled on you. When you told him about the camera, he insisted on buying you a new one not letting you say no. And from there you guys starting hanging out and talking.

You smile to yourself as you remember that day. Glancing down at the time, you notice it's almost noon. The walk to the rink was shorter then going back and getting your car so you walked the rest of the way. The security guard greeted you and let you in. Patrick didn't answer his phone and wasn't in the locker room. You figured he was on the ice. Sure enough he was out on the ice. You found a seat and watched him skate. He smiled and waved at you. Sharp wacked him pointed at the other end of the ice. You shook your head and smiled at the fact that Sharp probably just told him not to look at you and focus. About 20 minutes later they get off the ice except Patrick.

You make my way down to the ice. "Hey." You smile at him, sitting down on the bench.

"Hey Y/N." He smiled at you. "I have something I need to tell you." He said slowly. Your stomach dropped and you stopped breathing for a second.

"Yes Patrick?" You ask, nervous. Everything was good this morning, why was he acting weird now.

"Okay." he breathed out. "Y/F/N Y/M/N Y/L/N ever sense the day I spilled coffee on your camera I felt something toward. You were absolutely stunning and I knew I needed you. You make me happy, you calm me down after tough games, you take my anger away, you tolerate me, you support me, and the best part is your mine. But I want more then just that. I want good days and bad days with you, I want a family, I want to grow old, I want to be yours and you to be mine forever. So will you marry me?" He got down on one knee on the ice. My eyes filled with tears.

Throwing myself into him, I wrapped my around his neck. I accidently nocked him over so we lay on the ice. "yes, a thousand times yes." I say as he brings his lips onto mine.

" I love you, Mrs. Kane."  He smirks at me.

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