Tom Wilson

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I'm just in love with him.

You sat down on the edge of your bed and sighed. There was so much you had to do and so little time. Both you and Tom's families were coming into town for the final regular season game, and you had to clean, get bedroom's ready, go grocery shopping because for some strange reason Tom, Michael, and Andre thought a dinner with them, Michael's girlfriend, you, and all of our families was a good idea.

Looking at the floor, all you could think about was everything you had to do, and you didn't hear Tom come in. The soft soft of him laughing to himself, snapped you out of your thoughts.

"Tom." You said to him, but you realized it sounded more like a question.

"y/n." He mocked your tone. Glaring at him, you turned away. The bed next to you dipped and you felt Tom's arm snag around your waist, pulling him closer to you. "You know you are really cute when you have your thinking face on." He smiled at you.

"What thinking face?" You asked. 

"The one where you furrow your eyebrows, you bite on your bottom lip." He said. "Kind of like what you are doing down."

"Sorry." You said. You were only having listening to what he said.

Tom must have noticed because he spoke up. "Everything alright Y/N?"

Slowly, you nodded your head, not wanting Tom to see your stress or to stress him out. Tom cocked an eyebrow at you, not believing you.

"No." You finally said, in a small voice. Again you found yourself staring at the ground. "What's wrong, beautiful?" He asked.

"Stress. Both of our families are coming, the house isn't clean, bedroom's aren't ready, then I still need to go grocery shopping.." You started rambling on about everything that needed to be done. Stopping when you felt Tom's hands cup your face, and lifted your face up, so you were looking into his eyes.

"Y/N everything is going to be fine. The house is clean, I don't know what you're talking about, we can get bedroom's ready tonight. And how about we go to Northside and then we can go grocery shopping. Maybe even drag Burky with us." Tom said to you

"Okay. Let me change." You said, looking down at your pajamas you had been wearing all day. Tom's kissed your forehead before you got up and changed. Putting on some leggings, a thin long sleeve and your black vest, you went downstairs to see Tom waiting for you. He grabbed your hand as soon as you reached the bottom of the staircase. He swung your hands as you guys walked out to his jeep. Opening the door for you, you climbed into the jeep, and he jogged around to the other side.

There wasn't mush of line at the Northside Social, and it didn't take long for you guys to get your drinks. You guys decided to sit outside and enjoy the nice weather.  You tried sneaking a photo of Tom on snapchat, but he looked up at your.

"What are you doing Y/N?" He asked.

"Nothing." You tried keeping a straight face, but broke out into a smile.

"You're weird." He said to you, shaking his head.

"But you love my weirdness." You cooed at him. Tom rolled his eyes at you and took a sip of his coffee.

Before either of you could say something else. You heard both of your names being called. Looking around, you guys noticed Andre walking toward you guys. He plopped down in the seat next to yours and smiled at the two of you.

"So why did Tom tell me I had to meet you guys here?" He asked.

Putting your hands up in defense, both you and Andre looked over at Tom. " You're coming grocery shopping with us Burky." Tom told him, just as you remember Tom mentioning that earlier.

"Do I have to?" Andre whined.

"Yeah Burky. Think about it, you get to spend the day with you favorite person and his girlfriend." Tom said to him.

"You are right. Y/N I'm so glad I get to spend the day with you, not so sure about your girlfriend over there but definitely you." Andre teased Tom, slinging his arm around your shoulder. 

"It's okay Andre, I feel the same way." You said to Andre. "Maybe he'll go hang with his boyfriend instead, then the two of us can just hang out." You joked.

"Watch it you to." Tom rolled his eyes at you guys. "I should have never let you guys become friends." He mumbled to himself. You and Andre were best friends, sometimes you Tom would get jealous, but you knew Tom had nothing to worry about. Andre was too much like a little brother.

You stuck your tongue out at Tom. "It's okay Tom, because you love us both." 

"Debatable." He said, laughing to himself.

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