Carey Price

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Y'all this is my fourth one day. I'm on  roll, somewhat. Question, do you guys read these bolded things?

You lay in bed, your husband, Carey Price, next to you watchin some game on the tv. In a few weeks, you guys were having your one year anniversary and you were nervous. Last year, you guys weren't able to go on a honeymoon, becuase of the way everything worked out. This year however, was a completely different story. He planned on taking you over to Europe to see a bunch of places, a different country everyday, he told you.

Just thinking about the trip made your stomach turn, in a good kindof way.  

You laid on your stomach, scrolling through pinterest. You felt the weight of Carey lean on your back, his head rested on your shoulder.

"Whatcha looking at?" he questioned softly. 

"Just some travel things on pinterest. Is the game you were watching over?" You questioned back.

"Yeah, the bruins won." He sounded annoyed, which made sense when you think about the rivalry between his team and the bruins. 

"That sucks." You said, almost alittle sarcastic. 

"Yeah..." Carey said, pausing for a moment. "Y/N can we cuddle?" Carey asked softly. You chucked to yourself slightly. You loved Carey, but sometimes he was such a child.

"yes carey." You said. Shutting your phone off, you turned around. Carey wrapped his arm around him and you snuggled into his side. "I love you Carey." You said, almost in a whisper.

"I love you too."He said, kissing your forehead. "I can't wait to hold you in my arms all around europe, and just spend time with my amazing wife." 

"Mmm, and what all  are we going to be doing over there?" you asked.

"I was thinking maybe eat some pasta in Italy, drink beer in Germany.." He started to say.

"Eat waffles in Belguim, go to Sweden and have meatballs," You intrerupted, giggling slightly.

"Of course. We can zipline through the alps, visit the castles in Scotland and Ireland, go on a gondala ride in Venice.." He continues.

"Can we go see the amazing tulip gardens in Holland, and ride the Trans-Siberian railway." Yolu said excitedly.

"Yes." He said, you could tell he was smiling from the way he was talking.

Turning your head, you looked at him. "I can't wait to go travel with you." You spoke softly.

"Me neither babe. But we forgot the most important thing to do on the trip." Carey said, slightly devishly. 

"What's that?" You questioned, you tried thinking about what you could have missed.

"Making love, in the city of love, Paris." Carey whispered in your ear. Shivers traveled down your spine.

"Carey." You said, shocked, hitting him lightly in the chest. 

"What?" He asked innocently. "you know I'm correct." Your cheeks heated up.

"Hush." You said, burring your head in his chest. He laughed at you and kissed the top of your head, mumbling I love you.

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