Jamie Benn

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You hated being known as Tyler Seguin's little sister, because everyone only wanted to be your friends to get to him. All you wanted was to go to school, get a job, live a normal life, but that wasn't going to happen. Since you were living with him right now, that meant you were dragged to all his hockey things, were people only talked to you because Tyler was your brother. And tonight was no different. The Stars had a family skate, that some fans were picked to come to. Most of the players brought there wives and kids, girlfriends, etc. You tried to convince Tyler to just go with his girlfriend, but he refused to let you miss. In the car, Lisa, Tyler's girlfriend, tried talking to you. She was nice and all but something was off about her. Tyler parked the car and we began going inside, through the players entrance.

"Please be nice and act like you enjoy this." Tyler pleaded with you. You gave him a glare and brushed past him. The only thing you enjoyed about the hockey sister life, is you enjoyed the company of the players. They weren't as bad as you thought they were going to be. Jamie and you had become good friends, and you weren't going to lie and say you didn't find him attractive. As much as you liked him, you swore never to date a hockey player.

You were putting on your skates when Jamie sat down next to you. He gave you a warm smile. His hair had grown longer sense the last time you saw him, but he slicked it back anyways underneath his hat. He wore his jersey which looked big on him without his gear. "Hey Y/N."

"Hi Jamie." You did you best to fake a smile. Even though you liked the players, didn't mean you were going to be happy to be here. There was many things you would rather be doing, like studying for finals that were in month.

"Skate with me?" He asked you, as tied the laces to your skate. You shrugged your shoulders at him and looked in your bag for you sweatshirt. Under your breath you cursed because you realized you forgot it at home on the couch. You ran your hands through your hair then stood up.

"Sure." You let out the breath you had been holding. It had been ages since you last skated because you tried your best to avoid anything hockey related. You were to graduate and you wanted to focus on that. The minute your skates hit the ice, it was like something came over your body. You missed skating so much. Silently you and Jamie made your way around the rink. Some fans came up to Jamie and he greeted them and signed some things. You felt your lips curve into a smile as you watched the way he interacted with the kids.

"Take a picture, it lasts longer." Jamie laughed at you as he snapped you out of your thoughts. You felt the heat rush to your cheeks. To yourself you though, please don't tell me I was checking out Jamie and staring at him. However you knew you were.

"Shut up." You gave him a slight push, which backfired. You lost your footing and fell on the ice. Jamie was laughing at you know. "Aren't you going to help me up?" I asked him, slightly annoyed, but also amused. He reached down to help you up, but instead you pulled him down onto the ice. He looked at you and you both burst into laughter.

Tyler skated by us and gave us a questioning look. "Having fun, Y/N?" He asked you. You were still sitting on the ice with Jamie.

"I am." Tyler helped you and Jamie up. You hadn't realized how cold you were until you felt Jamie's hand brush against you arm, sending shivers down you arm. He then skated off and you felt a little hurt. However Tyler decided to skate with you.

"Thank you for coming, Y/N." He said to you. You felt bad when he thanked you. For so long you were so consumed with avoiding everything hockey and hating Tyler for playing that you forgot he was living him dream and that he was your brother.

"Anything you for you Ty." You gave him the first real smile in so long. You were shivering now and you were about to get off the ice when Jamie skated over to you.

"Sorry, um..here you go." He handed you his Stars sweatshirt.

"Thank you, Jamie." You slipped the sweatshirt over your head, it was about 2 times too big. Jamie laughed at you.

"You look adorable." He put his arm around you. Butterflies fluttered in your stomach. Sure you though he was cute, but now you realize this whole time, you were falling for Jamie. And the whole never date a hockey player, seemed ridiculous now. He turned to face you, "Can I tell you something?" He asked. You bit your lip and nodded. He scratched the back of his head, he seemed nervous. "I like you Y/N." He blurted out. Your eyes grew wide.

"Jamie.." You strated to say but he cut you off. "Sorry I didn't mean for it to come out like that. Forget it, you probably don't feel the same way..." He began rambling. I tried to say something but every time I began I closed my mouth. He was about to walk away when I grabbed his hand. He looked at me, his eyes sparkling.

"Jamie, I like you also." I barely finished my sentence when his lips crashed against mine.

I was bored, so here is another one not requested. Hope you liked it.

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