Jamie Benn

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This one is for ag923700

You sat at home writing, when you heard the door shut.

"I'm home Y/N." You heard Jamie, your boyfriend, yell from some other place in the apartment the two of you guys shared.

"In the bedroom." You yell back at him, just as he was entering the bedroom.

"You look nice," You say smiling at him. He had a game tonight and was still in his suit.

"Thanks." He kissed your cheat. "You look cute." He looked down at your ninja turtle bottoms and star wars t-shirt.

"Thanks." You turn around in the swirly chair. "So I watched the game, or at least tried to as I was working on this paper. You played great."

"Thanks. What's the paper your writing on?" He said, laying back in bed.

"It's over the Olympics during the cold war." You tell him. You were still in school finishing up your degree in history. The teacher assigned a twenty page essay over an invent in history that you hadn't learned about in school. And because you boyfriend had played in the Olympics this past you, what would be the better topic.

"Interesting. So I know graduation is in 3 weeks and the hockey season is almost over, but do you think you have time to fly out this weekend and come to Canada with me?" He asked you. Your eyes grew wide. Was he asking you to go meet his parents, or what was happening?

"I'd love to," You tell him. "But what for?"

"It's my moms birthday and she really wants to meet you. So I thought we would fly back for a few days." He smiled at you.

"I guess it's time I meant your parents. I'll get the time off of work. When do we leave?" You ask him.\

"Tomorrow, after your last class."

"I'll pack now then." You sent your manager a text about the last minute change of plans and she was fine with it. Together you and Jamie packed in one suitcase.

It wasn't until you on your way to the airport that the nerves really started to hit. It was Jamie meeting your parents all over again with the roles reversed.

"My mom is going to love you," Jamie said for the thousandth time.

"What if she doesn't? What if she thinks I'm only dating you for your fame or money?" You argue back. All you hoped was that his family didn't hate you. But what you really wanted was for them to love you like your loved Jamie.

"She won't I promise." He held out his pinky to you.

"Fine." You wrapped your pinky around his.

The flight wasn't to back, the take off was a little uneasy but you survived. The entire plane ride was spend with Jamie telling you about his family and all his childhood memories. He planned on taking you to his old ice rink and all these other places.

You were feeling better about meeting his parents now. When the flight landed you were almost completely okay with meeting them.

"Look there they are!" He pointed to a couple. They were a bit older and you could see a little bit of Jamie in each of them, and some Jordie.

"Hi you must be Y/N," His dad said to you.

"Yes sir," You said.

"You are even more beautiful then Jamie told me. And trust me he talks about you all the time" His mom engulfed you in a hug. You could tell that you were going to get along very well with his family.

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