Sidney Crosby

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I'm finally getting back on tract and completing my list of requests.  I have the names of players, so sorry if i don't tag you in my next posts, even though they are from your request. Sorry this one is so bad. 

You sat at the bottom of the stairs with your 3-year-old son, waiting for your husband, Sidney Crosby, to finish getting ready. It was game 7 of the Stanley Cup finals, and he was taking longer then normal to get ready, worse then you.

Looking at your phone, you realized the time. "Sid, we have to go if you don't want to be late." You shouted up to him. Just then you heard the shuffle of his footsteps.

"Sorry, I couldn't find the perfect suit. Do I look fine?" He asked nervous, as he walked downstairs.

Kissing his cheek, you smiled at him. "You look great. Now let's go before the world ends. You have an important game to win tonight.

You buckled in your sun and got into the front seat. "Do you think we will win tonight?" Sid asked you.

"I'm positive." You reassured him. Game days were the worst for you and Sid. He would always get so nervous that communicating was tough, but you guys dealt with it.

The drive to the rink was short, which you were thankful for. You guys all walked to the locker room, before you and your son would go join the other wives and girlfriends in the suite.

You stopped outside of the locker room. Sid knelt down to say by to your guys son.

"Alright buddy, I have to go play my game. Be good for mommy." Sid said. Watching him with your son, was one of your favorite things to watch.

"Okay daddy. Good luck and kick some other team booty." Your son said, giving Sid a hug and kiss. You smiled down at them. 

Sid then stood up and looked at you. "Good luck out there babe, kick some as..booty." You said, remember your kid was in the room.

"I will. I love you Y/N." Sid leaned in and kissed your lips softly.

When the two of you broke apart you smiled and said, "I love you too," back to him.  He went into the locker room and you and your son went up into the suite. Your son went to go play with the other kids and you sat down with Phil Kessel and Carl Hagelin's wives. Of all the wives, the three of you were the closest, seeming as though you were friends before meeting your husbands.

"Nervous for the game?" You asked them.

"Yes." They both answered. 

"So have you told Sid yet?" Kessel's wive asked.

"After the game, I'm going to." You said, placing a hand on your stomach where another little Crosby was growing.

Time jump to a minute left in the game

You were on the edge of your seat as the timer counted down. 30 seconds.....15....10...5..4..3..2..1 BUZZ

"AND YOUR PENGUINS ARE THE 2016 STANLEY CUP CHAMPIONS!" the annocuer shouted to the arean. You and the other wives were up and cheering loudly. Your boys did, they got the cup. After the rest of the cup ceremony you guys went down onto the ice to meet your husbands. 

Slowly you made your way over Sid, your son in your arms. He nearly leaped into Sid's arms when he saw him.

"DADDY YOU WON." He yelled.

"Yeah we did bud." Sid said smiling. He looked down at you. "And now I get to celebrate with you and mommy."

"And baby numer 2." You said.

Sid looked down at you confused for a moment before he realized what you said. "Y/N your pregnant again?" He asked. You nodded your head and he smashed his lips onto yours.

When you guys broke apart, Sid was smiling like crazy. "I got the cup, an amazing wife, a beautiful son, and a daughter on the way." Sid said, wanting a girl again.

"You mean another son." You corrected him, and he shook his head.

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