Antione Roussel

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I believe this is my last request, if i missed one you commented or messaged me, just let me know.

You bit your lip, nervously as you watched your boyfriend play. He took a nasty hit into the boards. The whistle blew, but the gloves had dropped. Antione had the other player by the collar of his jersey. Swinging his fist, he hit the other players face a few time.  The other guy managed to take a couple swings at Antione, before they were down on the ice and the ref was pulling them apart. Both players were ejected. From your seat you could see the blood on Antione's eyebrow and cornor of his mouth. Getting up from your seat, you went down to the locker room.

Once the trainer checked out Antione, you were allowed to go in. His gear was off and he sat in just shorts on the table, watching the rest of the game on the tv. He looked up when he heard the door close.

"Y/N," He smiled goofily at you. You shook your head and took a seat next to him.

"You don't look to bad. He got a couple of nice punches on you." You tell him, as you exaime in face. Your fingers graze over his eyebrow and lip. "Does it hurt?" You ask, looking down, you noticed his wrapped hand.

"Not really." He mumbles, which was hard to understand through his slight accent.

"Thats good." You laugh lightly. Turning your head, you watched as the Hawks score another goal. 

"Damnn it." You heard Antione say.

"Hey, it's alright. You guys are still winning by 2, with 30 seconds left." You try to reassure him. He looks down at you. Leaning his head down he brought his lips to yours.  You guys lost tract of time, because next thing you knew, the boys came loudly into the locker room.

"Get a room." You heard Seguin shot at you and Antione, throwing his glove at you. 

"You are just jelouse Seggy." You fake pout at hi, before you both laugh. He mumbled whatever and went into the locker room. 

Looking up at Antione, you smiled. "Ready to go, or do you want to wait on the boys?"

"Let's beat them to the bar." Antione said, "but let me change." He pecked your lips before rushing into the locker room to change.

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