Tyler Seguin

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Dallas was cold and there was a light snow fall. You came to a stop, admiring the city. Taking a deep breath you continued to search for your dog. Earlier today he took off when you guys were on a walk and you couldn't find him anywhere.

It was getting late and you decided to head home, despite wanting to keep looking. Cody, your dog, had his collar on and a microchip so you knew you would find him.

Texting your best friend you tell her you're heading home and start looking again tomorrow morning.

Once you get home, you peel off your wet clothes from the snow and take a quick shower. The hot water felt good against your skin. Taking a little longer then you planned it was about midnight when you got out of the shower. You put on some sweatpants and a t-shirt and went over to the couch.

It was late but you wanted to make a flyer for the morning. Just as you hit save to the flyer, there was knock at your door.

Slowly you made your door. Who would be here so late at night? Breathing out slowly you opened the door.

Standing outside your door was a man and Cody was at his feet. Dropping to your knees you hugged your dog.

"Thank you so much," You gushed to the stranger. Examining him you noticed he had a sight beard growing, and high cheekbones. He was very attractive.

"Not problem, if I lost my dog I would want someone to bring him back." He smile at you and shivered. He had a beautiful smile.

"Would you like to come in?" You blurt out. Mentally you smacked yourself for saying that.

"I'd love to, but it's getting late." He say giving you a sympathetic smile. "But if you give me your number we would grab coffee sometime." He suggested. Giving you his phone, you typed your number in. You bit your lip and looked up at him.

"I'd love that. I'm Y/N T/L/N by the way."

"Tyler Seguin." When he said his name you knew he looked familiar and it clicked. He was the hot shot NHL player here in Dallas.

"Well Tyler thank you again for bringing my dog home to me. And I can't wait to grab coffee sometime." You smiled at him.

"My pleasure. Goodnight Y/N," He turned around and waved to as he left.

A couple of minutes later you got a text message.

Saturday at noon at the Starbucks up the rode? :) -Tyler

You were shocked he had actually texted you. You texted him back saying you couldn't wait and got into bed.

That night you dreamed of the one and only Tyler Seguin.


I hope everyone is enjoying these imagines. So I was thinking about doing a Tom Wilson story. Comment what you guys think. And don't forget to vote and comment.

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