Mat Brazal

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I honestly don't remember who this is for or what the topic was so I kind-of made something up so sorry for whose ever this was suppose to be. And i'm so sorry that it is so short.

You lay in bed, unable to fall asleep without Mat next to you. The season was starting again and you hadn't yet grown used to him not being next to you every night again. You watched his game against the Bruins earlier, and your mind wandered thinking about if he was out celebrating the win, or laying in bed, adrenaline still coursing through him. Thinking about him eased the loneliness you were feeling, and eventually you fall asleep thinking about him.

In the morning you woke up to the smell of bacon and pancakes. The smell was delicious, however last you checked, you were home alone. Slowly crawling out of bed you made your way downstairs, expecting to see a stranger in your kitchen. But as you turned the corner you saw Mat, with his tongue out trying to make pancake pancakes. 

"Mmm smells amazing." You said, scaring Mat slightly. You chucked at his reaction.

"Damn it Y/N!" He shouted. "I wanted to surprise you and you made me burn the pancake."

You laughed at him. "How is that my fault?" You asked as you walked over and kissed his cheek.

"I don't know, it just is." He said, kissing your cheek. Once all the pancakes were all off the grill, he turned all his focused turned to you. His arm snaked around your waist pulling you closer. "I missed you." He whispered in your ear. 

"I missed you too." You replied, kissing him softly on his lips. 

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