Dylan Larkin

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For CareyRose18 enjoy ;)

There are just those days when you needed to get out of the house. You still lived at home with you parents in Detroit. It's not like you minded, but sometime it was just too much especially with 4 brother, home just got too much.

You decided to go for a walk through downtown. You've always loved the city, especially in the fall. The leaving changing colors was always your favorite.

As you were walking someone tapped your shoulder. Turning around you recognized Dylan Larkin from the Detroit Red Wings. "Yes?" You asked.

"Hey," Dylan smiled sheepishly at you. "So some of my friends dared me to go talk to you after I said you were pretty..." He said before stopping himself.

"Thank you?" You said not sure of what you were suppose to say to that.

"Sorry that came out wrong. Um I'm Dylan by the way." His face turned bright red.

You giggled slightly. "I know. I'm a Detroit fan."

He walked with you for a bit. You guys talked about everything. He was really sweet.

"Well I have to go to the rink." He said sadly. "would you like to come to my game tonight?" He asked.

Thinking about it for a second, you spoke up. "I'd love to, but can I take my little brothers? Their is 4 of them." You asked. You hoped he said yes because your brothers were huge fans of the red wings.

"Of course Y/N" He smiled at you. "I'll leave you name at the box office for your tickets and let security know you can come down to the locker room after the game."

You wrapped your arms around him. "Thank you so much."

Surprisingly he wrapped his arms around you also problem. "I'll see you tonight." He winked at you before walking away.

You ran home. When you got there you told your brothers to get dressed, wear a red wings shirt and bring a jacket. They tried to asked questions but you ignored them. You wore your brothers Larkin jersey much to his protests.

When you pulled up to the rink your brothers were shocked. "You got us tickets?" The oldest of your brothers said.

"Kind of. Let's just go." You rushed them into the arena. You picked up your tickets and found your seats which were right behind the team. Your brothers thanked you a thousand times.

After the a 4-0 win for the Red Wings, your brothers were pumped and you had to admit so were you. You told your brothers you had one more surprise and pushed them toward the locker room. They were so happy to meet the team. As they went around and talked to everyone you, you looked around for Dylan.

Suddenly someone grabbed you and spun you around. When they let down, you turned and looked. Dylan was standing there grinning. "Do yo see my goal?" He asked smiling widely.

"Yeah, it was awesome! good job!" You said back to him.

"It was for you." He winked.

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