Ryan Johansen

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this one if for VolleyballGirl0123

"I'm dying." You whine to your best friend Ryan Johansen, professional hockey player. Your head was throbbing, your stomach hurt, and everything you ate wasn't staying down.

"You're not dying." He chuckled at you. Coach told him to stay away from me while I was sick, but he didn't listen. Typical Ryan, he still listened some what, but not being right next to me rather he sat at the desk.

"Don't lie to me. Will you write my eulogy?" You say coughing and groaning in pain.

"Anything for you baby girl." He smiled at you before leaving the room. A few minutes later he came back with soup in his hand and some medicine.

"Thanks RyBear." You sit up and take the soup out of his hand. The warm soup felting southing and made you feel slightly better and it stayed down for the most part.

"Maybe I should take you to the hospital, you've been like this for 3 days now." Ryan looked at you with concern. You gave him a week smile.

"No I'm good." You hated hospitals ever since your mom passed away when you were six from cancer.

"What happen to dying missy?" He asked you. He got up and sat on the bed next to you. "Y/N.."

"You should stay away from me, I don't want you to get sick." You say scooching away from him.  Ryan was your best friend, but over the years you developed a small crush on him. Having him here taking here of you was amazing, but you were concerned for him. You felt horrible and didn't want him getting sick.

"I don't care." He huffed out slightly frustrated. "You sit her dying as you say and it's killing me. All I want is to cuddle you and comfort you." He looks at you.

"What do you mean?" You stammer. Your heart began to race.

"God dammit Y/N, I love you." He confessed to you.

Smiling up at him, broke the silence that filled the room. "I love you too."  He hugged you tightly. "Now please take me to the doctors before I die."

"Anything for you." He got you some clothes to change into and helped you out to the car.

The entire time at the doctors office. They ran a few tests and the doctors said you just had a severe strand of the flu. Sending you home with some antibiotics and told to stay in bed.

Ryan carried you inside and laid you in bed. 

"So you're dying?" He joked at you.

"Shut up." You felt slightly better at this point because the antibiotics at this point.

"Never." He smirked at you. 

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