Michael Latta

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Another request :-)

You sat on the couch bored, wishing Michael was there. Long road trips were your least favorite because Michael could be gone for about a week. The game was on TV, but it wasn't that good of a game. The Leaf's weren't much of a competition, so the capital's were winning 4-0. As the game ending you looking over at your dog, Bucky.
"What are we to do now?" You asked him in a baby voice. Part of you wished Bucky could talk so you would have some company, but he was a dog.
Just as you found another game on tv your phone rang. "Hello?" You said, picking it up.
"Y/N!" Your sister said, sounding relieved you picked up.
"Hi?" You said, still curious as to why she was calling at 10 at night.
"Can I bring Elli over? I just got called in for a night shift and need someone to watch her." Your sister asked. She was a single mother, and worked so much to support her and her kid. The father walked out on them years ago.
"Sure." You said, getting up.
"Thank god. I'll be there in a few. You hung up the phone and went to go make up the guest room for Elli to stay in. She was 6, and full of energy. Most of the time was she slept over, you guys wouldn't go to bed till midnight because you would be up playing games or something.
The doorbell rang and your sister and Elli were standing there. "Thank you so much Y/N" you sister said before giving Elli a kiss and leaving.
"So kid, do you want to sleep or watch tv or play a game?" You asked Elli.
"Let's build a fort. Is Uncle Mikey home?" She asked.
"No he'll be home tomorrow morning." You told her.
"Okay. Then let's build a fort and when he comes in tomorrow we can hide in it." She giggled. You laughed at her comment, but agreed.
You spend two hours building a huge fort of pillows, blankets and anything else you could find in the living room. When you crawled under, Elli was sound asleep, and you yawned also. Closing your eyes you fell asleep also.
The sound of footsteps and hushed voiced woke you up. You back hurt slightly from sleeping on the ground.
Coming out of the fort you saw Michael, Tom and Andre standing there. You ran over you Michael and he pulled you into a hug.
"I missed you Y/N." He said kissing your cheek.
"Me too." You said.
"Y/N, what's up with the fort?" Tom asked. 
You thought about it for a moment then remembered Elli. "Oh Elli slept over because my sister had to go into work." You said.
"Elli is here?" Michael said, getting excited. He loved your niece, and was great with her.
"Yeah, in the fort still." You said. He let go over you and went into the fort. You heard her yell uncle Mikey and then hushed voices again. You couldn't imagine what they were planning.
Andre looked at his phone and smirked. "I'll be right back." He said, disappearing into the living room. You and tom stood their talking about the games, particularly his fights.
"We should probably go see what they are up to." You said to Tom. he agreed and you guys went into the living room.  As soon as you walked around the corner you were shot at by nerd guns.
"Oh it's one!" You shouted at Michael. You and Tom ran into the other room to get yourselves some nerdy guns. Then went back into the living room to have a nerf war. Andre and Elli tagged up against Tom, and Michael against you. 
The entire house was covering in nerd bullets. You had no more bullets left and you saw Michael turn the corner. You made a run for your bedroom, but he caught up to you. Grabbing you by your waist, he spun you around. 
"Surrender." He whispered in your ear, sending shivers down your spine.
"Never." You smirked. You spun around to face him.
"Is that a challenge?" He said.
"Maybe." You said, biting your lip. You felt his hands move to your sides. He started tickling you.
"Stop stop." You said through laughter.
"Never." He said.
"Michael." You tried saying.
"Fine. Say Michael Latta your are the most amazing man ever and I love you." He said.
Repeating what he said, he stopping tickling you. Your side hurt and both of you were out of breath, you more then him. 
He was still on top of you. Smiling down at you, he leaned over and kissed your lips. Deepening the kiss. You heard three voices outside the bedroom.  You and Michael broke apart to see tom, Andre and Elli standing there. Both tom and Andre were covering Elli's eyes.
"Alright you two, let's go have some nice appropriate fun." Tom said emphasizing appropriate. You could feel your cheeks heating up, as you buried your head in Michael 's chest. 

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