William Nylander

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Can we just talk about how perfect he is?

The smell of Swedish meatballs filled your apartment. William insisted that he cook dinner for you tonight. It had been six months  since you guys started dating and he wanted to do something special for you tonight. Your stomach growled as you walked into the kitchen.

"Hungry?" Your boyfriend asked, as you wrapped your arms around his waist.

"Yes, is the food almost ready?" You asked. Resting you head on his shoulder, you watched him cook. The one thing that you were horrible at was cooking, but you loved watching other people cook.

"Almost." He laughed. He took a wooden spoon and tried some the sauce.

"Where did you learn how to cook?" You asked as you got out two plates and glasses.

"My mother taught me." He put some meatballs on the plates and put them on the table. Pouring two cups of this Swedish chocolate milk William bought. He said he wanted you to have an authentic Swedish dinner.

Together you sat down at the table, and he watched as you took the first bite of food. "Mmmm these are delicious." You tell him after swallowing the food. You were always one to try new things but this was unlike anything you ever had.

"I'm glad you liked it." He said in between bites of food. You were smiling at him as he drank his chocolate milk. "What?" He asked you.

"You have a milk mustache." You giggle at him.

"Better?" He wiped his mouth with the napkin.

"Yes." You take a sip of the milk. This was better then any chocolate milk you ever had here in Canada or in the United States when you lived there. Will laughed at you. "What?"

"You have a milk mustache." He mocked what you said earlier. You went to wipe you mouth when he said wait. Giving him a confused look, he leaned over and brought his lips to yours. It was a sweet kiss only lasting a few seconds.

"Is it gone?" You asked him after you broke apart from the kiss.

"I lied, I just wanted to kiss you." He said sheepishly. You felt your cheeks heat up.

"You could have just said that." You take another bite of your food. A small smile formed on your lips.

The rest of dinner you guys joked around and laughed. Every minute you spent with William you fell more and more for him. The way he treated you and his smile, he was perfect in every way for you.

"Want some help babe?" Will asked you as you cleared the table.

"No, you cooked so I'll clean." You say. That was always the deal your parents had, whoever cooked didn't have to clean.

You were in the middle of washing one of the plated when Will wrapped his arms around you. Next thing you know he was flinging soap at you.

"You did not?" You shriek, splashing water at him.

"Really?" He laughed at you smirking.

"You started it." You giggle as he took a step toward you.

Dropping the plate in the soapy sink you ran into the other room.

William chased after you. You tried closing the bedroom door behind you but William pushed it open.

"I'm going to get you." He said. You backed up against the bed.

"No no no." You stammer laughing.

Grabbing onto your sides he started to trickle you. Laughing loudly you try to push him off of you. Your sides began to hurt, but you couldn't stop smiling.

"Stop, I give up." You shriek laughing. He stops tickling your sides and kisses you.

"Stay with me tonight?" To leans his forehead against yours.

"Gladly." You bring your lips to his one more time.

That night he let you borrow some clothes to sleep in.  His clothes were slightly big on your petite figure, but you loved it. Together you lay in bed, your head resting on his chest.

"I love you Y/N." He whispers into your ear as you were falling asleep.

"I love you too Will." You mumble before falling asleep in his embrace.

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