Jamie Benn

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This one is for andasavebyturco

You knew the routine, your boyfriend would come home drunk, would yell at you, then the next morning apologize. Even through all the pain he's put you through for some reason you still stayed with him, despite everything your best friend Jamie Benn, who was also captain of the Dallas Stars, told you.

"Listen Y/N, he's not good for you. You deserve so much better then a guy who treats you like that," Jamie told you.

"Jamie, I love him. I know you're looking out for me, but I can't leave him." You argued back. You knew Jamie was right, but you were scared.

"Y/N" He whispered, "Please listen to me."

"I am, but no. I'm not breaking up with him." You try to keep your cool. You were a little angry with Jamie, but also happy he was so protective. The thing you didn't want him to know was you were scared of what would happen if you broke up with your boyfriend.

You smiled slightly remembering the way Jamie pleaded with you early today before he left for his game. The door slammed shut and you knew your boyfriend was home. He hadn't even gotten into the room yet and you could smell the alcohol. The first thing he noticed was that you were watching the Stars game.

"Turn it off," he slurred at you.

"No. Go to bed, your drunk." You voice was shaking. It was time you started to stand up for yourself you decided. Looking at your drunk boyfriend you realized what Jamie had been saying all this time was true.

"What did you say to me?" He was in your face.

"I said no." You said through your teeth. Next thing you know his hand contacted with your face.

"Want to try that again?" He growled at you.

"I said no." You backed away from your boyfriend. "and we are over." You stammer. He came at you again but you ducked, and grabbed your purse and keys. You started your car and drove off. Jamie would still be at the rink but you didn't know where else to go.

You sat outside his apartment, head between your knees.

"Y/N." You heard a voice say. Looking up you saw Jamie, he was still wearing his suit from the game. His eyes were filled with concern, then anger when he saw your face. "I'm going to kill him."

"No, Jamie." You pulled him back. "It's over between him and I. Please just leave it alone."

"You broke up with him?" He stammered shocked. You nodded. "Finally, you deserve so much better then him." He kissed your forehead. "Come on."

He picked you up and brought you inside his apartment. He gave you a t-shirt and boxers to change into.

"Thank you, Jamie." You say laying down in bed. Both of you laid facing each other.

"Y/N." He said your name, brushing a stand of hair behind your ear. Next thing you know his lips were crashing onto yours. "I've wanted to do that for so long." He breathed out.

That night you fell asleep in Jamie's arms.

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