Tyler Seguin

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This one is for taryn_brooke, sorry I've been so slow to update

Finally after a stressful semester you were done with finals and didn't have to go back for another month. Christmas break was going to be the best. Tyler asked you to travel with to Montreal for the games and then go with him to meet his parents.

"Babe, what should I bring with me?" You sat on the couch my legs on Tyler.

"Clothes?" He sounded confused by your question.

"That's not what I meant." You threw the pillow next to you at him. He attempted to block it, but got smacked in the face, making me giggle.

"Lyla," He whined and pulled you onto his lap and started to kiss your neck.

"Tyler." You mocked him and pushed him away, which made you fall on the floor.

Tyler laughed at you and helped you up. "So what was the question again?" He asked you.

"What do I have to bring with me when we go visit your family and go to Montreal."  say, sitting on his lap this time.

"Well you need to bring a jacket, and something to wear to the game. Also probably something nicer to wear to dinner with my parents and something to wear to the bar after the game." He shrugged his shoulders.

"Okay. I'm going to go pack then." You give him a quick kiss on the lips before going into the bedroom. Shortly after Tyler came in and packed himself. You guys then curled up and went to bed.

(Before the game the next day)

"Lyla this is your first away game right?" Jamie asked you at dinner.

"Yeah, school has been busy." You answer his question.

"For 3 years?" Jordie said. Most of the guys laughed at his remark.

"Well getting a degree is hard and some of us don't have the opportunity to be famous athletes." You say being a little sassy.

 Tyler leaned over and gave you a kiss on the cheek. "At least you are here now." Some of the guys were making faces at you guys, but you ignored them.

"Yes." You kissed him back.

"Get a room." Jamie said to you guys before going back to eating his meal.

"We will after the game." Tyler said winking at you. You could feel your cheeks heat up.

"To much information. Anyways we better get going, we will see you after the game Lyla." Jamie said getting up form the table. Everyone else began to follow him.

Tyler leaned over and kissed your lips. "I love you. See you later."

(After the Game)

It was a close game, but Montreal got the upper hand and won. You were very disappointed that the first away game you went to they lost. Next time, you thought to yourself.

You went down to the locker room to meet Tyler. Coach let you in after everyone was dressed.

You sat down next to Tyler, he looked upset. "You played great." You tell him.

"Not good enough." He grumbled. He got up. "You ready to go? We're just going to go straight to the bar."

"Yeah." You stood up and took his hand. Jamie ended up driving with you guys and everyone else followed behind.  There was little conversation in the car ride, but Tyler held your hand the whole time.

Once you got to the bar, you went straight to the bar and got three beers. Handing one to Tyler and one to Jamie, you sat down.

The rest of the team arrived and shortly after most of them were pretty drunk, while you were still on your first beer.

"Hey, could you get me another one?" Tyler asked you. You got up and made your way to the bar tender.

He was busy at the moment so you just stood there.

"Hello beautiful." A guy standing next to you said. Turning to face him, you recognized him as Brendan Gallagher.

" Hi." You say before turning back to the bar tender. "One beer." He gave you the beer and you began to walk away.

"Where you going?" Brendan asked you.

"Back to my table." You tell him. He clearly had a few drinks already.

"I'll join you." He said following you. Tyler was no longer there so you sat down. "I'm Brendan by the way."

"I know. Lyla." You shook his hand.

"I like how you didn't freak out about who I am." He chuckled. He is so wasted, you thought to yourself, but it's kinda funny.

"Good." You took a sip of your beer. Then saw Tyler come up to you.

"Lyla, where were you?" He asked hugging you.

"She was with me." Brendon slurred, grinning.

"No. I went to the bar and he started talking to me." You correct him. Tyler looked annoyed. "Maybe we should go." You tell Tyler, leading him to the door.

"Yeah." He mumbled and went out to the car. On the drive back to the hotel, Tyler didn't talk to you. He went to the room and got into bed.

"Ty, what's wrong?" You laid down next to him.

"Nothing." He looked away from you.

"Are you jealous of Brendan and I talking?" You asked biting your lip.

He looked at you and spoke, "Yes."

You smiled. "Listen Tyler I'm your girlfriend, and if I wanted to still be talking with Brendan I would, but I would rather be with you. I love you Ty." He pushed his lips against yours.

"I don't want to loose you to someone you may find better." He said, wrapping his arms around your waist

"I don't think you have anything to worry about, cause you're stuck with me." You kissed his nose.

"Good. I love you Lyla."

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