Patrick Kane

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I think I only have like 4 more requests guys! Warning this one does have some cussing in it.

Sitting on the couch, you watched the tv, without the volume on. you bight your knees up and rested your chin on them. You and Patrick's dog, Monty, laid down next to you, putting his head on your feet.

Your eyes grew heavy, as the clock went from 12 to 1am to 2am. Sometime between 2 and 3 you fell asleep on the couch. The sound of someone bumping into the hall woke you up, it was followed by someone shushing the other.

Sitting up you watched a Jonny dragged Patrick into the living room, toward you and Patrick's bedroom.

"Jonny," you said, scaring him. He didn't notice you on the couch.

"y/n?" He asked, he could barely see you in the dark. "Why are you up?"

"I was worried about Pat, for obvious reasons." You scowled, watching Patrick nearly fall over from how drunk he was.

"Sorry, we were celebrating and I wasn't watching him.l" Jonny confessed, guiltily.

"It's not your fault Jonny." You paused. "I don't know how much longer I can do this.." You said, your voice weak.

"Hold on." He said to you. He took Patrick into the bedroom and closed the door. He walked back over to you and sat down.

"This y/n, Patrick loves you. I know he's a lot to handle, but that's his personality." Jonny told you.

"But Jonny, the drinking, the late nights, the never seeing either. It's too much." You sobbed, letting out the tears you had been holding back.  Jonny didn't say anything else, just let you try into his shoulder.

"Your" hiccup "cheating" hiccup "on me" hiccup, you heard a voice say. Patrick stood there drunkly.

"Patrick.." Both you and Jonny said

"Save it." He shouted. "leave." He said, stumbling forward.

"Fine." You said, not in the mood to fight. You got up without another word, got a few things from the bedroom and left.

One week later

It had been a week since you last talked or saw Patrick. He kept calling, then Jonny would call, but you refused to answer them.

You don't think you moved from Y/Friends/N's couch in the last week.

"You need to get up and do something." Y/F said.

"No." You grumbled. Shaking her head she left the room. You hated this, you hated not being with Patrick, but you couldn't do it anymore.

Y/F left so you were home alone, there was a knock at the door. Groaning you got up and went to the door. Opening it up, you saw Patrick. His blues were dull and puffy, his hair was a mess.

"Y/N." He spoke his voice raspy.

"Patrick." You said to him, your voice matching his raspiness.

"Can we talk?" He asked, motioning toward inside.

"What is there to talk about?" You said bitterly.

"Please." He spoke softly. Nodding your head, you opened the door wider so he could walk in. You guys walked into the living room, you sat down in your original spot on the couch.

"So.." He said breaking the silence.

"What do you want?" You asked. Just being in the same room was too much. You loved him and wanted to be with him, but you couldn't do it anymore.

"I miss you, and I'm sorry." He said slowly.

"Patrick it is not that simple." You said back. Your eyes brimming with tears.

"I know. I can't apologize enough to make up for the drinking, the late nights, accusing you of cheating. But I can start by apologizing everyday for as long as you will let me." He said, he scooted closer to you.

You looked down at the ground, fumbling with your thumbs.

"Say something, please." He begged.

"I don't know.." You said, looking up into his eyes. When your eyes met his, your heart paused for a moment. "Maybe we can work on it Patty." You said, using his nickname.

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