(location: Japan: degobah municipal beach
Xiao and izuku looked upon the trashed beach it and was a Saturday
"Let's get to cleaning!" Izuku ran down to the beach and started grabbing plastics and bottle's
While xiao yawned he was still new to being in a new body and being able to sleep so soundly without worrying about the Abyss order or anything
Even though he's already 13 in this new body he's still getting used to it
He went down to help izuku but he noticed he's doing squats whenever he wanted to grab a piece of trash from the sand he was only informed to help clean the beach and not a workout
"Izuku your doing it wrong" xiao called over to izuku who was near the water he looked at xiao and stopped what he was doing
"Follow my example" xiao said as he does a proper squat and izuku quickly took note and continued to pick up the trash now doing a proper squat
Xiao just bent down and picked them up
Thursday rolled and they we're already done with cleaning the plastics
Right now their at the beach again after school
"Alatus can you show me how to um train?" Izuku mumbled shy of asking his older yet short brother for a workout routine
"Fine izu just follow it strictly gor it?" Xiao said as he was ontop of a old fridge laying down "start with a jog after it you jog in place and kick your butt like this"
Xiao teleported down and proceeded to jog in place kicking his butt with his hands behind his back to shield himself from kicking "after that" he said as he stopped
"Is you do mountain climbers" xiao got down arms extended head down and proceeded to move his legs crossing over to his abdomen as he twists his body to follow the movement and then stop
"I think I'll be able to do that" izuku said as he does so while xiao picked up trash and for a good while he looked to izuku to see him holding car tire's and jogging back and fourth dumping them in the pile of trash that needed to be taken away
He smiled but quickly hid it
Day's went by soon week's and those went to month's now the beach was almost spotless with just a few bottles
During that time izuku used it to work out with xiao coaching him on it xiao was impressed with izukus physique he was almost as lean as himself with a 8 pack
Xiao was very impressed by the effort izuku had done "nice job izu" xiao said as he picked up the bottles and threw them in the trash "let's go i think we should head home now mom's probably worried sick for us it's almost 9pm afterall" xiao said as he and izuku went home
There we're only 5 month's till the entrance exam for UA
The next morning at degobah municipal beach
A skinny blond arrived early seeing the beach clean with another blond who was wearing bunny slippers holding running shoes and wore a tracksuit
"What?! It's clean?!" Saying this spooked the boy who then accidentally activated their quirk and fell down in the ground disappearing he quickly shot up shortly after his clothes on the ground "what was that for all might!" The young blond said
"The beach! It's clean!" The older skinny blond named allmight said
His face was that of shock upon seeing the spotless beach
The young blond looked for himself and his jaw agape
"Who could've done this?" The young blond muttered
With the Midoriyas
Izuku and xiao we're doing hand to hand combat in a forest xiao always getting the upper hand and winning against his brother izuku
"DAMNIT! Why can't i beat you?" Izuku said as he laid in the ground
"Simple really know more skilled" xiao said with a smug tone not realizing he's showing more emotions than his past life
"I'm gonna beat you! Again! Round 20!" Izuku jumped up and tackled xiao catching the latter by surprise he swiftly swung his arm at izuku in the face hitting the broccoli haired boy
Izuku skidded back and jumped towards xiao
Xiao lunged forward at the boy intending to end it swiftly but he knew izuku wouldn't go down without a fight like the last 19 other rounds
Izuku went for a kick in the gut but xiao blocked it and head butted izuku and uppercut him launching him up and towards a tree slumping down it dayzzed
"Uh.. i think I'm seeing stars" izuku said as he hung his head down fainting
"Shit i may have hit him too hard" xiao said as he grabbed izuku and teleported home
This went on for the rest of the 4 month's leaving 1 month left till the entrance exam
Izuku over time managed to beat xiao using the experience he gained from his past hand to hand combat though izuku was a little suspicious about how he knew how alatus was experienced in that but dismissed the thought aswell as how xiao was able to summon a mask from thin air
Xiao kept his reincarnation a secret aswell as the anemo vision he kept hidden deep in his pockets
"HAH!" Xiao ran and punched izuku who in return gut punched xiao the two jumped back xiao kicking up a bo-staff up and spun it and charged forth still spinning the staff
Izuku did the same and charged at xiao with the staff to strike him
Xiao being the yaksha he is he ducked under the strike "whirlwind thrust" xiao muttered as he did his normal attack on izuku
Izuku seeing the attacks he dodged them all and returned with a uppercut and a spinning strike to xiao's stomach
Xiao dodged the punch but was hit by the staff and laughed
"Your good! Izu keep this up and you might keep winning against me on easy" xiao said smugly and izuku let out a hearty laugh as the two decided to have a lunch break eating a sandwich which inko prepared for the two
Xiao was eating he heard a flute play it was eerily familiar to him one that he felt at ease with
An circular object shown bright before it landed on izukus lap catching the boy offguard of both the light and object
Xiao was slack jawed in surprise but his expression changed to his normal expression
"What's that?" Xiao asked as ge took a bite from his sandwich
"I don't know! But it looks cool" izuku said looking at the object it glowed a teal blue
Xiao gazes at the object in izukus hand's he knew the circle object was
Inazuma vision
"Izuku..." Xiao said catching his brother's attention knowing he only say's his name when he's serious
"Yes?" Izuku said flinching
"What you have there is something i know" xiao said as he pulls out his vision it was different than izukus it was a square almost triangular in shape
It had the same teal color and symbol in Izukus
"This is called the eye of a god 'vision' to be precise" xiao said
name: Izuku midoriya
Quirk: N/A
Vision: Anemo
Age: 13

[genshinxMha] Reincarnation?!
Fantasyafter fighting alongside aether and all of the seven against the heavenly principals and celestia you xiao the conqueror of demons and last yaksha succumbed to your wound's and karma after the massive battle you are laid to rest but when you awoke y...