After the attempt to capture voltage failing the Abyss cult had started appearing again causing chaos in Tokyo while many unknown people had started fighting back using elemental weapon...
Detective naomasa tsukauchi had delved even deeper into this delusion and vision rabbit hole and found himself often talking to Childe asking for info about thing's such as the weird monsters with fur on their heads wearing masks as well as beings that suddenly appeared in some areas of Japan and across the globe called rift hound's and slimes...
Soon they found out once a person was infected with a withering like infection they slowly transform into a rift hound over the course of 1 week...
While slimes occured in dirtier areas of the world such as factories and radioactive areas as well as abandoned towns
One was even spotted forming in a landfill becoming a dark green dendro slime...
(Cryo slimes are created when snowy areas are dirty like full of trash in lakes same with hydro slimes while pyro is created at factories and electro in radioactive areas and geo in ruined areas)
The world quickly adapted and eliminated these with ease just by using a police force
The Abyss cult had gradually started doing things such as robbing advanced technology and stealing plans from big support item companies
While the Fatui had become a large organization known through the underworld and many criminals had been killed or had joined them
Xiao and Izuku sat in a booth as they waited for someone...
Walking closer and closer Mona appears and sits across them "good morning Mona" Izuku greets the woman kindly as he drinks his coffee as Xiao silently waved at her taking a bite out of his cookie he ordered
"Hello to you too both I assume we'll be going to somewhere private to do this? Since my vision is particularly like a quirk if I don't take a DNA test" Mona said as she called a waiter to order while she crossed her legs across from the duo
"We have a place it's in a lagoon inside mustatafu forest it'll be private enough to where you can freely use your vision or quirk inside" Xiao spoke out as he grabs his cup of tea and drinks it
"Interesting very well then" Mona said as she smiled
The 3 hiked the forest the scenery was silent perfect for someone with the powers of anemo to rule over as the wind was also abnormally stronger than normal there
Mona hears a crunch of a footstep but not from Xiao or Izuku infact she heard multiple footsteps since the past few minutes of walking
Xiao and Izuku swore they didn't step on any sticks since they use the same path everyday and removed any obstacles everyday
A musical voice rings out to the entire the forest giving an eerie vibe animals staying still staring at the direction where the voice is coming from the more they got closer the louder and eerie it became
Mona was on edge but upon reaching the lagoon she saw a small lake in the middle (think like httyd 1 lagoon but full of things like a small tent with chairs and a tables a few resting areas and a bunch of wood weapons off to the side)
And a woman wearing long sleeves with a cute hat as well as holding a guitar as she sung as animals flocked to her like a Disney princess
"Who is she?" Mona asked the boys as Xiao answers "her name is venti" he said as Izuku called out "hey venti! Been a while!" As venti stopped what she was doing and saw the approaching people she got up and sat her guitar down the animals finally running away
"Welcome back you two and your Mona right?" Venti smiled as she walked over to the 3 of them "yeah and how do you know my name?" She quickly answered surprised venti knew her name so fast
"Ehe~ I'm barbatos silly can't you tell?" She laughs as white angelic wings slowly sprout from her back as she spun around
"What?! You? Venti the drunkard bard are the archon of anemo?!" She yelled surprised at venti as no one other than the Ragvindrs and Jean know her identity as Xiao and Izuku laughed
"Well yes I am what? Did I disappoint you?" She laughed as she whisked away the wings like nothing "w-well y-yes! You did!" Mona yelled as Xiao put a hand on her shoulder "we have some business to do Mona not bicker" Xiao said as Mona looked at him
"Very well then"
Mona took a look into their future as she read it again and again fear etched itself into her face as she kept reading and reading becoming even more frightened by the future she read"A war much bigger than you can take on something that everyone must unite everyone to stop the creation of the heir of an evil god" Mona said as she shook as she finally reveals what she's reading using hydro
And using her quirk projected what she read images of thousand's of heroes across Japan coming together to fight an abomination of an experiment
It scared Mona as she See's herself in the projection about to almost die as she had a group of civilians around her as she hurries to teleport before an axe swings down cutting the projection she collapses to the ground shaking
As venti walked over and put a blanket over her "I think that's enough future reading for now" venti said as she carried Mona and vanished with her...
Xiao and Izuku looked at each other "this battle will be one heck of a fight for sure and we'll need to be stronger" Izuku said as he put a hand to his head processing the projection he just saw
"That I have to agree for the meantime we can't let anyone know but the other vision holders in the class" Xiao said as he walked off to the kitchen area of the lagoon
"We not going to talk about this weird crisis that's been happening across the globe?" Present mic complains as he threw documents of people receiving visions onto the table some being heroes and most of them being all civilians
"We are and my class has a few of them" aizawa said as he sipped his coffee all the while nezu was deep in thought
"The time where I was on a mission to capture voltage where I brought along a few of my class in the mission both the Ragvindrs, Midoriyas and her kids were involved" aizawa said putting his cup down on the table as he glares at everyone in the room...

[genshinxMha] Reincarnation?!
Fantasíaafter fighting alongside aether and all of the seven against the heavenly principals and celestia you xiao the conqueror of demons and last yaksha succumbed to your wound's and karma after the massive battle you are laid to rest but when you awoke y...