It's a monday...
A purple haired boy rises up from his bed, rubbing his eye's he yawns as he . out of bed wearing his pajamas stripping down he grabbed a towel and went in the bathroom.His alarm starts to sound, and coming out, the shower refreshed he turns the alarm off. "Kuni! Get down here and eat your breakfast! Our sister's already down here eating!" Stern voice of a mother could be heard from downstairs. "Coming, mom!" He put on his uniform walking down seeing a purple haired woman identical to his mother their purple eye's match, "come on eat up already, it's not gonna eat itself you know" a pink kitsune said walking out holding a bowl of ramen and placed it infront of a empty seat.
The boy sat down and began to eat his breakfast, "whatever" he muttered as he ate. Once after eating the boy got up with the purple girl and they both went out the house on their way to school. They went to the train station and got on a train headed to school, they found a open seat and sat the purple haired boy put on his I.D. that had a sticker over the picture of his I.D.
*first name: KUNIKUZUSHI last name: RAIDEN*
*first name: SHOGUN last name: RAIDEN*
Were their names, the train came to a stop they both got off and walked kunikuzushi, putting on earbuds while his sister ate gum walking to a small high school.
Once in their classroom they sat down as the teacher walked in after, "ok everyone please pull out your pens, i hope you studied for this quiz" the man with chicken wings on his back said.
<30 minutes flew...>
Kunikuzushi was done 23 minutes ago and so was shogun their classmates we're just starting to finish muttering beneath their breaths about the Raidens. A girl with long pony tails was just sleeping having had finished 24 minutes a minute late than the Raidens, they then pass their paper's and went on about the rest of the day taking a boring day of notes. <hello reporting live at U.A stadium! We're with one of the contestants of the sports festival um...ragvindr diluc ragvindr> the TV showed a diluc with the reporter as a match was on going.
"Ugh do they really have to make such a fuss over that 'sports festival' thing at U.A?" Walking past a crowd with his sister this got some student's to look at him, "so what? You didn't get in? Not my problem" he mocked as he blew a raspberry at them and continued walking away. 'Pathetic fool's don't know theur messing with a god' he thought as he walked, pass everyone his cocky smirk ever present on his face.
"Yo scara!" A grey haired boy ran up to him "oh caelus it is a pleasure to see you again, " Shogun said as she stared at the boy and not far behind was a girl with similar features as caelus face and hair "caelus I'm gonna kill you!" She was running at the boy with a bat in hand once seeing shogun the girl calmed down."Oh hey shogun hey scara" the duo were a bit taller then them.
On their IDs
TRAILBLAZER STELLEThe 2 are close friends ever since they started their semester at jaku University College.
"How was the quiz?" Stelle asked as she gripped her brother by the shoulder, a vein popping from her head as she side eyed him while caelus gulped frightened."psshh it was easy -" kuni cut off by shogun "of course it would be for you, aunty tutored you!" Shogun groaned. At her brothers cockyness "your just jealous that aunty favores me more than you," kuni retorted.
"Yo scara, let's go out sometime at the arcade and crush some looser!" Caelus said as he was dragged off by stelle."Bye shogun, see you!" The latter of trailblazers waved bye to the Raidens.

[genshinxMha] Reincarnation?!
Fantasyafter fighting alongside aether and all of the seven against the heavenly principals and celestia you xiao the conqueror of demons and last yaksha succumbed to your wound's and karma after the massive battle you are laid to rest but when you awoke y...