Naomasa tsukashi had only very little intel on the LoV and the Abyss order, and a group called the Fatui he's stayed up several nights trying to figure out where and when the Fatui and LoV would strike and to figure out what the Abyss orders next move would be as well as uncover who this new vigilante thats causing chaos and killing Abyss cultists
"Detective another batch of files from several heroes that got a shocking surprise," an police girl with roller blades for feet said, "These isiots are gonna be the death of me," slurping from a whole pot of coffee as he took the files and read through them it's been 2? 5? Weeks since he's last seen the damn sun from all this, and they only managed to capture some ginger from the LoV that got mind controlled and possibly tortured
His mind would drift back to the grey, encasing a small blue gem with a symbol of water that was with the ginger as he thought about it more he did seem to possess a water quirk of sorts getting up and bursting through his office door "someone get me that ginger head guy's file we captured during that camp!" A groan from beneath him as a poor officer with green grassy skin
After getting the file and looking over it and his possessions and evidence, the quirk didn't have any water abilities. "Where did he get the water-oh all for one tsk, but maybe..."
After passing through the outer and inner walls, the bridge to tartarus prison went down into the depths of the water as the car went through security and handing in his firearms and having to check several forms he was in the outter most sancttum of the prison as he was given an audience with childe
"I take it you're not here to give me a greeting, are you an officer?" Childe sat in his chair, hands bound in cuffs that cut off access to his quirk "no I'm not, Mr. Utani, I'm here to talk business, " sliding a bag towards him it contained a vision."i want you to tell me what this is," childe scoffs as he begins to intertwine his hands together and leaning into them. "That is called a dragon pearl, a much common translation a vision given only by archons or gods," childe explains as naomasa took note. "There are seven elements meaning seven gods as well to control and distribute of said element and vision" nodding to his explanation "so your a catholic is what your s-" "I'm gonna hold you right there first of all no I'm not second gods do exist"
"Then why haven't they revealed themselves yet?" Childe laughs at his statement."Why should they? Seeing as how we humans are all we do is kill things that we deem a threat to us, isn't it? And once a god is dead, we'd just desecrate their bodies." Childe did have great points to his explanation, seeing as how humams would kill unknown threats and examine how they are different than the normal natural anatomy
"Then can you explain how to use one?" Childe was eager to fight his vision, hummed a soft glow, tsukashi took notice and quickly snatched the vision back."To use one, you simply have to imagine it. you're only limited by your imagination after all, " childe explains."i see, so like an example, i imagine I'm holding a sword, and the element just forms together into my hand?" Childe nods, confirming it
"I see, and this fatui group, what do they do?" He asked the ginger headed man. "Their intentions were first to steal all the gnosis of the archons," childe explains "wait what is a gno-" childe gave him a look "as i was saying that was their original intentions but it shifted to a different goal which i do not know" childe kept on explaining as he pauses "one thing I'm certain of i know a few of the members"
He explains the 11 harbingers
All the while, tsukashi thought,'the hell? Italian? these fatui guys have italian names? The names are from the commedia dell'arte' he was writing in his notebook as childe continued to explain as he continued childe slowly went to how-"I was like fighting the director. i did hold up for 4 hours of fighting, but the guy was just powerful, and i mean really powerful, but in the end, i did kill him and like died on the spot, too! And like i woke up in some strange abyssal void and boom here, i am!"
"Wait, hold on what?" Tsukashi asked he wasn't listening because he was deep in his thoughts."Hmm? Oh, you weren't listening." Childe chuckled."Let me explain again,"
After a short ass explanation of killing the director of the fatui and getting isekaid to the mha universe later
"I um see well thank you then it was very helpful" tsukashi stood up as childe nodded as he left the room
'So things like gods do exist. i might as well keep this a little secret to not cause havoc.' tsukashi walked the halls of the cell block full of criminals locked away behind the doors...
When he got out, he grabbed his equipment and went to his car and went home...
Childe was then escorted out the interrogation room by 4 guards that had him with a 10ft pole, so he couldn't run or steal their weapons
After he was put into his cell, he sat on his bed he was basically bored to the point he started talking to himself
"Tsk, what do i do now..." childe looked around in his room he was only given nothing due to his quirk he randomly got upon getting reincarnated, the only thing is a bed bolted to the wall with a mattress with no pillow even his table is bolted down and his toilet aswell without any openings as hours passed now midnight
He laid down on his bed, staring at his ceiling, before he drifted off to sleep...
America: texas
"What is this?" A high schooler reached out to the glowing object, and in his hand, a pyro vision appeared in his palm his peers in P.E. looked on in shock
France: paris
A boxer sat in the changing room holding an ice pack after just losing his match, something then hit his head. "Oh, qu'est-ce que c'est ?" Looking at the thing on the floor, a cryo vision laid in front of him
[Translation: what the hell?]
India: new delhi
A bakery manager in india just finished her first shift she had to manage her employees who needed different things 1 was deaf the other was mute the other was a cook that needed help once getting home from accomplishing her first day a dendro vision laid in her couch "what is this?"
Philippines: region 7
A swimmer sat at the bow of a boat headed back to iloilo from bacolod after only getting 5th in all his events as the wind passed by his face. "i should quit...i hate it" a glow from his satchel he didn't notice was a cryo vision...
Au revoir et bonne nuit i go sleep

[genshinxMha] Reincarnation?!
Fantasyafter fighting alongside aether and all of the seven against the heavenly principals and celestia you xiao the conqueror of demons and last yaksha succumbed to your wound's and karma after the massive battle you are laid to rest but when you awoke y...