As soon as All for One had left a rumble was heard and soon came Giganto Machia with him arrived along with the LoV on his back as well as 'Balladeer' and dottore
As the villains look down upon the heroes Dabi had stood up and laughed as he waltzed to the end point of Machias shoulder
There he saw Endeavour as well as the others whom were on the ground as Barbatos looked at him straight in the eyes
Dabi felt a shiver run down his spine as the god of anemo glared at him he could see her mouth move from afar before she vanished from thin air without a trace Infront of their very eye's
He knew gods were just religion and all but he didn't think an actual god from 'Christian' religion... Wait now the more he looked at the god he didn't look like a demon but more angelic just what kind of god did he see
But he dismissed the thought and looked at Endeavour
"Hello endeavour! No...dear ol'dad!" Dabi cackles as he poured down water all over his head as the black color of his hair began to drip off as he gave a wicked grin as Endeavours face contorts to one of pure shock and guilt as all the memories of his eldest son Toya Todoroki began rushing to him all at once
All the TVs,billboards and any device displaying the news or anything else was suddenly switched to an unknown channel as a shirtless man covering his face with his hands intertwined together with white hair and from what looked like burn scars all over his body...
Many question who he is...
[Raiden residence]
"Who can this one be?" Ei questions as Shogun sat next to Ei without saying a word but as for scaramouche? He was shocked to see the same man that he saw when he was kidnapped
<Hello Everyone...mother...father...> The man said his tone raspy as if he'd been smoking
<You all may know me as> he removed his hands from his face revealing who he was
Dabi a villain from the LoV
Fire quirk user serial killer
A maniac who followed stains ideals
As he reached over to grab a piece of paper beside him he shows it into the camera
<You see this? It's a paternity test showing I'm a relative to the Todoroki family> he then gestures to his body
<I am a creation of Endeavour his eldest a result of neglect, abuse and hate> he gestures to the burns on his body with a smile
[Jaku Hospital]
As Enji stares at Dabi who only had nothing but a sinister grin "come on dear old dad! Can't you say anything about your eldest?!" He yells at Enji who couldn't even get a word out of his own mouth as his father couldn't bare to see his supposed dead son be alive from that incident
Enji began breathing heavily that slowly turned to hyperventilating as his eldest was alive and a villain
Shoot from afar could see this as he fought off All for One and keeping his classmates out of danger
"Come Enji! Come dance with your son in hell!" He laughs as he began to dance
"T-toya...?" Was what Enji could only utter as shoto ran over and snapped him out of his thoughts "we need to defeat him" shoto reasons as he activated his ice side
"You'll reap what you sow!" As Dabi drops down his flames exploding like a deadly heatwave as he was nearing an Iidas speed when they use recipro burst "Jet Fire!" Dabi mimicking Enjis move he reels his flame engulfed arm back before sending it at Enji and shoto
But the attack was sloppy and uncontrollable but it was devastating and deadly as it burns away at the Ice wall shoto had created in mere seconds as he bursts through whatever is left of it before sending a deadly stream of consentrated fire at both the heroes
Shoto creating a massive wall of Ice so large In fact it made his signature move heaven piercing ice wall look like a pebble in comparison as Enji snaps out of it he lunges in screaming
Toya laughing like a mad man as he was completely engulfed in his flames as he was quicker than they had expected as they were more powerful than theirs
As shoto and Enji create swords out of their quirks they slashed at Toya who sneers at them before combusting into a bigger flame just then the cryo delusion he had kept in handy cools his body off extremely but barely negating his quirks effects on his body
His body felt a small bit of relief as the coolness of the delusion wrapped his body but his body is in extreme pain from his quirk as the cryo that had tried to take effect is being melted
As Toya creates a war axe as he swings it down at Enji he dodges at the last second (almost becoming like focalors in 4.2🖕🙂)
As shoto drives his ice blade Into Toyas shoulder and almost ran it down but Toya turns it into nothing but steam as he swung the axe at shoto who used his flames to boost himself backwards to avoid being decapitated
Shoto widened his eyes as he saw the pendant that hung on his eldest brothers belt he'd seen something similar to what Izuku, Xiao and Bennett and many more in his class
But the strangest thing is instead of having the Cryo symbol it's replaced with the Fatui insignia
As the Todorokis fought fiercely against each other...
What Enji and shoto didn't know is that Toya has broadcasted his entire life to the whole of Japan
As they fought Toya mimics Enjis move again and again each one just as sloppy as the other as it all did devastating destruction to the area around them and injure Enji and shoto
[On Machias back]
The rest of the LoV vanguard...
T-33-1All were on Machias back and we're hiding from the heroes as dottore is working on another experiment quickly and efficiently as he could while skeptic was doing his all to hack into Japans servers to help Toya spread his story to the whole of Japan
All the while Toga looked on at the city in a somber look contemplating wether she should go and talk to Uraraka...
"If your planning to go out be back in a jiff alright? We don't want to leave you" compress said as he gave toga a headpat as she nods her head lightly and jumped off to do her own thing
All the while t-33-1 was on guard with spinner as they kept watch for any hero that came forth to capture them

[genshinxMha] Reincarnation?!
Fantasyafter fighting alongside aether and all of the seven against the heavenly principals and celestia you xiao the conqueror of demons and last yaksha succumbed to your wound's and karma after the massive battle you are laid to rest but when you awoke y...