It was monday and the class we're silent hoping aizawa isn't gonna show up "ok brats" he said walking in holding coffee mug that said 'best cat father' on it. "Today you'll be learning about internships" he said as a kaminari walked in with his hair dyed to black and his lightning bolt streak died to purple he carried papers on a cart pushing it. It was a big stack of paper's separated by boxes with the classes name's "you'll also be going on internship as well so pick one and hand it to me" aizawa said taking a sip from his mug with audible slurping noise.
Xiao got every offer of every heroine in japan
Hu tao got 55 offers
Diluc got 230 offers
Kaeya has the same amount of offers to diluc
Fischl has 67
Bennett has 36
Razor has 68
Sara has 53
Izuku has 69
"Why is mine all female?" Xiao complained "man xiao your a ladies man!" Ashido said "I'm not obligated to change them good luck" aizawa said zipping up in a yellow sleeping bag "and also you'll be choosing your hero moniker choose wisely" he said sliding down to the ground sleeping as midnight walked in "hello children~! I'm here to help you choose your hero names! Put them on these white boards once ready come up front and present them!" She announced handing out white boards and sharpies.
Xiao walked up and showed his "the Vigilant Yaksha: xiao" this got some of the class to nod while hu tao was giving it a thumbs up "very well! It is fitting with your quirk midoriya."
Izuku moved up to the front and said
"I'll stick with the name Deku it sounds like the dekiru or you can do it so" izuku moved his hand away from his board and showed it "you can do it hero deku" this got some chatter among the class but midnight approved itDiluc chose his old allias being the dark knight hero
Kaeya picked the alias frostgnaw
Hu tao chose grave digger (well she's a funeral director why not)
Fischl chose well fischl since it already hid her actual name
Bennett picked calamity
Razor picked lupical
Kujuo sara picked Tengu
Bakugou picked DynamiteBennett and razor chose miruko since well it's their mother (because why not?)
Kaeya and diluc picked a random hero in kamino that had a element quirk
Sara and fischl picked hawks for flight and whatever he could teach them
Hu tao picked fatgum she was surprised by how adorable the hero is
Soon they filled out their forms and handed them off to aizawa and went on their trains a day later headed to their agencies, the midoriyas headed to a old hero known as gran torino due to him being a veteran and all that to learn from the best.
Both walked the streets discussing about xiaos past life as the Vigilant yaksha "i was the right hand of the archon morax hundreds of year's" xiao said "wait who's this morax guy?" Izuku responded as xiao quickly answers "the god of contracts well to be real with you geo he's a formidable archon that could bring forth massive constructs without him, well teyvat wouldn't have currency called mora and no mora no alchemy."
"Oh i see..." they kept talking walking to where gran torino is almost going past his house by accident izuku knocked and waited "hello mr.torino?" Nothing xiao tried and knocked "mr.torino?" Nothing they decided to let themselves in, and when they entered they saw a man on the ground 'dead' till he jolted up "hello there" xiao wasn't surprised as he sensed his heart still beating.
"Your gran torino?" Izuku said "i expected you to be taller..." xiao continued "rude now then show me your skills if you could hit me once I'll consider taking both of you youngins as my interns" gran torino said as he immediately launched himself off bouncing off walls. Xiao was taken aback and immediately went on guard eye's following the old man while izuku using what xiao taught him went on guard too both saw gran torino headed to kick them in the abdomen and they dodged. "Nice reaction time kiddos!" He smirked as he came back bouncing speed increasing "enough with this already!" Xiao disapears and reappeared behind grabing gran by the cape and making the retired hero fall.
"That's some great skills you both have, patrol starts at noon for now settle in" he said as he looks at his living room "maybe on patrol we should also buy a new microwave..." sadly looking at his microwave that's busted.
At an undisclosed location....
"Please! Don't I'm begging you!" A calico mutant quirk hero said (STOMP...STOMP)
"The Feline hero: Calico sentence you to death for selling child pornography" a man dressed in black with knives,swords and daggers with a white bandana covering the eyes with a red scarf."Please! I'll pay you anything! Anything you want! Just let me live!" Calico said as he whimpered in fear, "heroes like you disgust me" he grabs a blade and points it at the heroes face and slits his throat "you aren't worthy of the title hero" the person said.
Claps we're heard behind the man turning around he saw a man clad in armour with a purple mist man with yellow eyes and a man with a hand covering hus face with light blue hair.
"Amazing performance! Mr.hero killer stain!" Shigaraki said walking forward.
"Whom are you suppose to be? Wanna be vigilantes?" Gripping his blade tighter glaring at the 3 people infront of him."Nonsense! We're the LoV! The league of villains!" Shigaraki said as he opens his arms to the man now known as stain infront of them, "we ask you if you are willing to join my little league" shigaraki says as kuroguiri opens a portal while the man clad in armour stood by.
"And if i don't?" He glared at the man clad in armour who stood by silently, "well simply perish~ now come with us" shigaraki said entering the portal as stain follows and the man clad in armour went in after. Soon they appeared in a bar with a TV that said 'AUDIO ONLY' "welcome hero killer stain or should i say chizo akaguro" the man in th TV said "How do you know that!" Stain angrily asks "i have many eyes and ears stain" the man in the TV said.
"Now i want you to help our cause of taking over japan and reshape this disgusting societyin our image" stain looks at the red fluff ball that's sitting on the couch, the tall man clad in armour with weird ruins that glowed bright blue and shigaraki and kuroguiri who are at the bar. "No thanks!" Stain launches himself towards shigaraki in a attempt to murder him but the result was stain stabbing air ontop shigaraki due to kuroguiri making a portal to stop shigaraki from dying.
"Dispose of him!" Shigaraki yelled at the tall man clad in armour that had glowing ruins the being simply teleported and grab stain by the neck and kuroguiri opens a warp and he throws him out.
"Stupid bastard!" Shigaraki yelled angrily "why the fuck did i tell you to kill him i should've disintegrated him right then ans there!" He threw a tantrum turning a chair to dust. "Relax now young tomura we still have other means of exploiting the hero killer" the pyro abyss mage giggled in mischief "i propose we get some of your new NOMUs to test them out while at that we kill the hero killer" the abyss mage said.
All for one thought about it and spoke up "very well this suggestion will be lead by young tomura then, you will keep him company"

[genshinxMha] Reincarnation?!
Fantasyafter fighting alongside aether and all of the seven against the heavenly principals and celestia you xiao the conqueror of demons and last yaksha succumbed to your wound's and karma after the massive battle you are laid to rest but when you awoke y...