As the 2 skidded along the ground they quickly backed off each other as Barbatos looked back to where she saw Xiao, Izuku as well as whomever fought AfO for a small while to stall him while she arrived
She whipped out her now again and fired a barrage of arrows faster than the eye could see at AfO as the villain struggles and gets hit multiple times by them
A teal blur clashes into AfO making him fly sideways as the blur appears again as AfO is Peirced in the chest by a blade
"Foolish mortal to think I'd easily fall that quick?" Xiao held up the jade cutter and pushed it in further into AfO chest as the villain groans in pain from the blade going through his chest
Rivet stab suddenly pierces Xiao in every part of his body but not his head or heart still keeping him alive as he vomits out blood "d-damn i-it..."
As AfO retracts the quirk and Xiao falls down bleeding out...
'is this how I'll die? Heh... to think I'd die a second time in my life' Xiao thought...
Barbatos was shocked soon that shock quickly turned to rage as she flew in the air and dive bombs AfO
[From afar]
Aizawa whom had been using his quirk was barely able to negate the effects of the quirk AfO was using as he's being helped by manual who had been putting water in his eyes to keep them moist as to not get dry eye's
From his left side he could vaguely hear Endeavour as well as Todoroki and Dabi are having a 2v1 fight as he can even feel the heat of their attacks clashing together as the temperature changes rapidly in second's
But he needs to focus in negating AfO and prayed they would succeed but when he saw Xiao bleed out he wanted to run he wanted to go to his side and help his student
But he couldn't he had to take a good distance away so he wouldn't be caught up in the middle of the deadly hurricanes Barbatos had been making To ravage AfO
"I need someone to check on Xiao!" He yells out as he kept his gaze fixed on AfO
<Roger that erasure> miruko chuckled over the communications as a giant shadow passes above it came crashing down into AfO
[With the fight]
Miruko picked up Xiao "ya alright brat?" She asked concerned at the multiple holes in his body as Xiao gave a weak nod as he bled
"Someone get me a medic asap! He'll bleed out if we don't!" Miruko yells as she rushes off to get Xiao medical aid
All the while Ryukyu claws at AfO and pinned him down but AfO had other plans and uses rivet stab again piercing through her claws
While pinned down AfO smiled as he raises a single finger in a sort of flicking motion at Aizawa and flicked something
"Mr.Aizawa!" Izukus yells out as he arrives but was cast aside by by the force of the object that was flicked
When it hit Aizawa on the leg he quickly saw it's a quirk erasing bullet he gave no thought and hurried to his knife and in 1 swift fluid motion his leg flew blood splattering everywhere as he grunts in those moments all he could think about was the child he had saved in the overhaul mission
Yanagi stood next to shimura who had her hand on her shoulder as Yanagi looked up to the vestige whom looked on with anger at AfO
"To think you'd groom this poor soul to do your bidding" shimura states gritting her teeth as shigaraki was kept silent by AfO as they were now a monstrous fusion "hehe to think I would face you again like this 7th" AfO smiled widely at shimura
Yanagi mumbles to shimura about something
"I know you can I believe you can save him" shimura said as she looks at Yanagi...
"Who knew this world would start changing with the Abyss cult and the Fatui working 24/7 around the clock" AfO smiled even more as he says this reminding them that there are other forces at play other than the LoV
Yanagi charges up a full powered punch "full cowling: 200%!" She delivered a solid punch at AfO startling Barbatos
"Pin him down for me I wanna settle a score with this bastard!" Barbatos yells as she grabs AfO by the neck
With shigarakis body proportions being several inches taller than Barbatos she was just gripping his neck while shigarakis body was standing (just try and imagine a short person choking a tall person)
As Yanagi used her quirk to restrain AfO the villain struggles to free himself due to the body only getting used to the vast array of quirks all the while an injured Aizawa kept his gaze on AfO negating the quirk decay from being used
Barbatos reels her arm back and breathes out as her highlighted hair began to glow as well as her eyes in a teal color as it blinded AfO as well as Yanagi as AfO felt thousands of punches hitting him he spits out blood due to the impact of the Punches
Barbatos then creates a massive vortex of anemo in the center of AfO ripping the skin off the body as well as the flesh and organs as shigaraki screams in pain as the regeneration quirks he now posseses in his enhanced body slowly took effect due to it being overwhelmed by the continued attacks
AfO needed to flee quickly before the regeneration quirks stop working from being overused so he decided to re use the same tactic on a certain hero that has long escaped his grasp
Many shadow balls appear behind him and many more other quirks that are devastating or can make explosions using it all up
Barbatos looked at Yanagi and yelled "get out of here! It's not safe!" The Archon called out as she noticed the active quirks an explosion is then released but Barbatos manages to contain the shockwave and the debris that would've flew out
As AfO is seen flying off escaping them all
And the heroes that fought Machia reported that the vanguard had vanished in thin air leaving Machia for them to handle and lock up
Barbatos curses under her breath as she stares at the destruction that the new body of the demon king has caused...

[genshinxMha] Reincarnation?!
Fantasyafter fighting alongside aether and all of the seven against the heavenly principals and celestia you xiao the conqueror of demons and last yaksha succumbed to your wound's and karma after the massive battle you are laid to rest but when you awoke y...