Yes that is a Qiqi and no I did not loose my 50/50 I got her from the free 5★ thing and I actually got muailani here have a look

Proud Xiao main noises
Anyway... I'll be grinding genshin on mobile along with HSR,R1999,Wuwa and ZZZ now bye👍
After the getting the heroes to come together detective tsukauchi stood alone on a rooftop at night as storm clouds were closing in fast as he awaited voltage for his arrival unbeknownst to the detective the vigilante already knew the plan straight from the beginningZapping Infront of tsukauchi like a thunder strike "hello detective I believe we've met before?" Voltages muffled voice due to the mask he has as he put his arms on his hips...
Tsukauchi then turned towards the boy "I presume your voltage?" He questions as there were no actual images of the vigilante only bolts of electricity rushing around and blurry full body pictures of him
"I'm here to exchange information with-" tsukauchi said before being cut off by voltage as he throws 3 pages of paper pinned by a knife on the ground "with me? You barely have info on the Abyss let alone that weird incident in Dieka city" voltage said sternly crossing his arms
Picking up the paper reading it he knew the info was legit due to some pictures were attached with actual locations and the bodies of the missing "we're also trying to find denki kaminari we believe he's still out there" tsukauchi said pocketing the paper as he got closer showing the picture of kaminari that was right after the sports festival...
"Sorry I can't give information on a dead boy-" voltage says as a fireball launches out from nowhere creating a wall of electricity blocking the attack and electricity buzzing around him he makes the excess become gauntlets and boots boosting his already enhanced strength and speed as miruko sends a kick his way
"Tsk I knew you'd do this heroes are predictable which is why! I'm doing a better job!!!" Catching the kick and throwing the rabbit hero down she groans in pain as she's thrown into Endeavor who just came out of hiding as a slue of quirks launch out with varying elemental quirks as voltage saw this he didn't know what has hero has a power to do this or who this person was...
Blocking the attacks he creates a hydro sword infusing it with his electro vision he dashes at the person
"Bonjour Mon Ami" a fist sent into his face as he blocks it with the blades skidding back he creates a hydro whip whipping at the man only to vanish into thin air and appear behind "Au revoir!" A crystal war hammer in his clutches voltage zips behind him in pure lightning but Arsenal was faster due to the vast array of quirks he's copied he was able to mimic the speed
Blocking the attack the create a small shockwave but suddenly voltage felt his quirks unusable "tsk Eraserhead! I knew you'd be here too!" He exclaims as he fires electro at Erasurehead who sat on top of another roof trying to make the hero blink
Erasurehead saw a wall of ice erect Infront of his face courtesy of Arsenal suddenly feather's flew everywhere dashing right at voltage
Seeing this manic laughter as Arsenal ran at voltage with raven black wings with the feathers suddenly coming off and launched themselves at voltage as some become swords as Hawks arrives dual wielding feather swords doing an X shape with them before swinging down at voltage
"Give it up kid!" Hawks yelled as he and Arsenal sent more feather's only for them to be fried by electricity suddenly pyro and Anemo as well as cryo and electro attacks flew past voltage...
Diluc and Kaeya appear their blades poised to strike down voltage as razor and Bennett walked up twirling their blades poised to attack
As Xiao and Izuku appear from thin air their weapons poised and ready to clash as purple mist slowly rolled in with a crack of a whip as the figure emerges from the mist being Midnight
Voltage was outnumbered it's a 13v1
"Give up you can't really defeat the top 10 heroes of both underground and public" tsukauchi said standing from the back as a cold sweat rolled down his cheek cautious about the abilities voltage has...
'this feel... It seems like I know him... Could it be?' Xiao said in his head as he felt a familiarity from voltage "you feel the same right Alatus?" Izuku asked as he grips his blades tighter as he looked at Xiao
"Yeah I do it has to be him definitely" Xiao said to Izuku...
"Whatever! Just kill the brat! Jetfire!" A stream of fire erupts from Endeavour as he attacked voltage but black feathers rush at him knocking him out cold dropping the hero to the ground the attack falling short as Erasurehead glares at Arsenal who laughed his hair standing negating Erasure from Erasurehead
"Arsenal!" Tsukauchi yelled "in frustration "sorry we can't let the guy leave nor arrest him" he said as voltage dashes at Arsenal making him flinch sending thousands of volts of electricity into the man frying whatever devices that are on his body and dropping to the ground as miruko smirked
As voltage turns into pure lightning and disappeared...
"What the hell was that Arsenal!" Aizawa yelled Grabbing the man by the collar of his clothes "heh...I just did you a favor we can track the surge of power rushing in Japan that's where we'll find him" Arsenal said as his eyes return from robotic orange to black
Guy's I won in September 7-8 competition! Woop Woop! Dunno if I'm being paid tho I'm broke rn:/ anyway I got like 2 weeks left? I think maybe 1? Till exams on 19-20 and my open water on 22
∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆[LOCATION: MUSTAFA CITY]
Our German bard sat on top of a roof of a building singing where his? Her? Whatever voice could be heard many stood by and listened for a good few minutes before walking away
Many children were drawn to the singing...Once he was done singing he got up staring at the city...
"This body... Isn't mine but someone else's" looking at the female body he now posseses to fit into this society his thoughts were cut short as he sees lightning rushing through the city power lines "heh so he's running" smirk crept on her face
(Ok for the sake of my sanity we're referring to venti as a she/her now)
As she vanishes into thin air to spy on kaminari...
(No idea what the fuck I was doing with this chapter but hey shit is following canon MHA but also having a different twist than the anime also

[genshinxMha] Reincarnation?!
Fantasyafter fighting alongside aether and all of the seven against the heavenly principals and celestia you xiao the conqueror of demons and last yaksha succumbed to your wound's and karma after the massive battle you are laid to rest but when you awoke y...