[LOCATION: Mustafa wood's]
Xiao wandered the wood's looking for a suitable sparring grounds, when he stumbles upon it, it was a lagoon with it's water drained out from year's ago to just a pond. "Now this feels like it could be turned into a sparring grounds" he set down his bag looking at the pond to see it thriving still with fish, "never expected this to be thriving still" he mutters. "Your the same alatus since when we reincarnated, you know~" a voice he's not familiar but he's on guard since she knows his name "who are you!" Polearm poised to strike.
"Still the same old xiao i wonder what would that old blockhead think of the current you? And what's this? You matured!" A girl with teal highlights in her hair said as she laughed, "who are you..." now ready to kill this 'stalker' she says something to make his jaw drop "relax alatus it's me barbatos i opted for such a feminine form since well i died and stuff i still retained my divinity that's a plus!" Barbatos giggled as they flew around. Xiao was just staring at the archon of anemo dumbfounded, "wait you still give out visions?" He asks the bard, "of course i do, i still retain my godly powers after all!" They laugh.
TIME: 6AMA blond bumps into izuku. "Oh hey, what a coincidence! Nice meeting you, class, A LoOseR!" The blond mocked a mischievous smirk ever present on his punchable face."What got nothing to say? Thought so class B is THE superior class after all!" He laughed as someone with white hair walked up and neck chopped him."Sorry bout him, he's an ass my name is itto arrataki itto" itto introduced as he put his hand out to izuku "I'm izuku midoriya pleased to meet you!" The 2 were about to talk till their classes called for them "looks like we have to go now?" Itto nodded as he had monoma over his shoulder.
"Hey kujou, you alright? Looks like our staring into space, " ashido inquired about her friend, who has been straring at it from the corner of her eye.
'What got him so sour towards me?...' sara thought as Hu tao shook her. "heyyy wake up!" Hu tao looked at her."Oh hey, you're up!" She giggled."wh-what? Sorry, what were you saying?" Sara Confused.
"What were you thinking about?" A smirk crossed ashidos face,"nothing just weirdly spaced out" she fixed herself "what were you all doing, though?" She inquired till hagakure buttet in "talking about whos the hottest in our class and someone here has the hots for midoriya!" A few of the girls giggled.
"It's hu tao!" Ashido continued,"which mido-" cut off by hagakure "xiao!" Hu tao was already sulking in the corner by the time they said it
"Hey i have an idea let's all go to the arcade! So we can all get to know eachother more and why don't we bring class b?" Yayorozu suggested as jiruo nodded along with her words "what an excellent idea, Yayorozu!" Fischl stood doing whatever pose she did "i agree as well. " sara agreed "me, shiozaki and jiruo will go to class b sounds fine right?" Kendo explained
"Oo me! Me! I wanna join too!" Hu tao bounced up amd down after sulking her ever present smile there on her face "sounds like a plan then!" Hagakure cheered...
By lunchtime the girls asked uraraka and tokage if they wanted to hang out after classes and the latter agreed and told the rest of the 1b girls while Hu tao was ecstatic about seeing her old friends from teyvat in 1b...
After classes, they went to the arcade
And played games but they saw xiao and izuku with a girl with teal highlights with them.."Hey hu tao i think you got competition~" ashido teased our funeral director, who saw the girl with xiao "hey hu tao ya ok there, darlin?" Xinyan asked, putting a hand on her shoulder "yes I'm fine. " Hu tao had her fist in a ball glaring at the girl with xiao and izuku
"Hey guys i reserved us a karaoke booth! Come on let's go!" Hagakure grabbed yun jin who just so happened to be the closest to xinyan."Come on xin!" Yunjin grabbed the girl as they dragged hu tao with them who still had her eyes glued to the girl.
"Achoo!" Venti sneezed."Bless you venti "i think someone is talking about me not in a good way" they shivered "still a sight to see you in a girl form i rather have you as a man than this" xiao said as her glared at the anemo archon "still hard to believe you gave me my vision venti" izuku said as venti responded with a simple no problem
"Come on! Sing with me yun!" Xinyan took yunjin up with her as they twirlled in the booth hand in hand as they sung to the beats of a love song "their a cute couple aren't they Xingqui?" Said yayorozu and Xingqui was brought along since they all thought he was a girl (even i thought the mf was a girl at first)
"Yeah they are glad they got together i was bout to scold xinyan by pelting frogs at her" he laughed "honestly me and reiko thought they were just friends-" the duo of midoriyas passed with the girl "hey isn't that your classmates?" Kodai pointed out to the trio of green haired teens who passed by "Hu tao is so jealous!" Kinomori said with a grin, snapping a pic as the girl slung an arm over xiao
Someone please shoot me i have no idea what I'm doing
Name: mao xiangling
Quirk: culinary:
Allows her to whip up tasty dishes in a heartbeat. The downside is that the more complex the dish, the more energy it consumesVision: pyro
Age: 15
Quirk: VOCAL
Enables the user to create sonic screams or create soothing music to help calm others down in stressful situations downside is sore throatVision: GEO
Age: 16
Quirk: N/A
Vision: HYDRO
Age: 14
Quirk: CHI
The user is able to control ones chi and boost othersVision: CRYO
Age: 15
Enables the user to create pyrotechnics similar to those on stage easily exhaustedVision: pyro
Age: 15

[genshinxMha] Reincarnation?!
Fantasyafter fighting alongside aether and all of the seven against the heavenly principals and celestia you xiao the conqueror of demons and last yaksha succumbed to your wound's and karma after the massive battle you are laid to rest but when you awoke y...